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Policy coherence to achieve the SDGs: using integrated simulation models to assess effective policies


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Coherently addressing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals requires planning tools that guide policy makers. Given the integrative nature of the SDGs, we believe that integrative modelling techniques are especially useful for this purpose. In this paper, we present and demonstrate the use of the new System Dynamics based iSDG family of models. We use a national model for Tanzania to analyse impacts of substantial investments in photovoltaic capacity. Our focus is on the impacts on three SDGs: SDG 3 on healthy lives and well-being, SDG 4 on education, and SDG 7 on energy. In our simulations, the investments in photovoltaics positively affect life expectancy, years of schooling and access to electricity. More importantly, the progress on these dimensions synergizes and leads to broader system-wide impacts. While this one national example illustrates the anticipated impact of an intervention in one specific area on several SDGs, the iSDG model can be used to support similar analyses for policies related to all the 17 SDGs, both individually and concurrently. We believe that integrated models such as the iSDG model can bring interlinks to the forefront and facilitate a shift to a discussion on development grounded in systems thinking.
机译:要一致地实现17个可持续发展目标,就需要规划工具来指导政策制定者。考虑到SDG的整合性,我们认为整合建模技术对于此目的特别有用。在本文中,我们介绍并演示了基于新的基于系统动力学的iSDG系列模型的使用。我们使用坦桑尼亚的国家模型来分析大量投资对光伏发电能力的影响。我们的重点是对以下三个SDG的影响:SDG 3关于健康生活和福祉,SDG 4关于教育,SDG 7关于能源。在我们的模拟中,对光伏的投资对预期寿命,受教育年限和电力供应产生了积极影响。更重要的是,在这些方面的进展是协同的,并导致更广泛的系统范围的影响。虽然这个全国性的例子说明了在一个特定领域进行干预对若干可持续发展目标的预期影响,但iSDG模型可用于支持对与所有17个可持续发展目标相关的政策进行类似的分析,无论是单独还是同时进行。我们相信,诸如iSDG模型之类的集成模型可以将互连置于最前沿,并有助于转向以系统思维为基础的关于开发的讨论。



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