首页> 外文期刊>Superlattices and microstructures >Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings effects on electromagnetically induced transparency of a lens-shaped quantum dot: External electric and magnetic fields

Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings effects on electromagnetically induced transparency of a lens-shaped quantum dot: External electric and magnetic fields


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In this article the spin of electron as well as simultaneous effects of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions are considered for a lens-shaped GaAs quantum dot and the influences of applied electric field and Zeeman effect on the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) of this system are investigated. To do so, the absorption, refractive index as well as the group velocity of the probe light pulse are presented and discussed. Study of the absorption and refractive index reveals that, at a particular frequency of probe field, absorption diminishes, refractive index becomes unity and so the EIT occurs. Furthermore, the investigation of group velocity show that, around such frequency the probe propa-gation is sub-luminal, which shifts to super-luminal for higher and lower frequencies. Our results illustrate that the EIT frequency, transparency window and sub(super)-luminal frequency intervals are strongly sensitive to applied fields in the presence of spin-orbit couplings. It is found that, in comparison with the investigations with negligence of spin, the EIT behavior under the effects of applied fields are quite different.



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