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Bridging clinical information systems and grid middleware: a Medical Data Manager


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This paper describes the effort to deploy a Medical Data Management service on top of the EGEE grid infrastructure. The most widely accepted medical image standard, DICOM, was developed for fulfilling clinical practice. It is implemented in most medical image acquisition and analysis devices. The EGEE middleware is using the SRM standard for handling grid files. Our prototype is exposing an SRM compliant interface to the grid middleware, transforming on the fly SRM requests into DICOM transactions. The prototype ensures user identification, strict file access control and data protection through the use of relevant grid services. This Medical Data Manager is easing the access to medical databases needed for many medical data analysis applications deployed today. It offers a high level data management service, compatible with clinical practices, which encourages the migration of medical applications towards grid infrastructures. A limited scale testbed has been deployed as a proof of concept of this new service. The service is expected to be put into production with the next EGEE middleware generation.
机译:本文介绍了在EGEE网格基础架构之上部署Medical Data Management服务的工作。开发最广泛接受的医学图像标准DICOM是为了实现临床实践。它在大多数医学图像采集和分析设备中实现。 EGEE中间件正在使用SRM标准来处理网格文件。我们的原型向网格中间件公开了一个符合SRM的接口,可将SRM请求即时转换为DICOM事务。该原型通过使用相关的网格服务来确保用户标识,严格的文件访问控制和数据保护。该医学数据管理器使访问当今部署的许多医学数据分析应用程序所需的医学数据库更加容易。它提供了与临床实践兼容的高级数据管理服务,从而鼓励了医疗应用向网格基础架构的迁移。已部署了一个规模有限的测试平台,以证明此新服务的概念。预计该服务将与下一代EGEE中间件一起投入生产。



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