首页> 外文期刊>Studies in Health Technology and Informatics >Is There any Regional Difference of Brain Tissue Densities Between Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Patients and Normal Controls: a Morphometric Study with High Resolution MR Brain Imaging

Is There any Regional Difference of Brain Tissue Densities Between Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Patients and Normal Controls: a Morphometric Study with High Resolution MR Brain Imaging


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Observation of sub-clinical neurological abnormalities has led to proposal of neuro-developmental etiologic model for AIS. Longer latency in somatosensory -evoked potential (SSEP) and impaired balance control have been demonstrated in AIS subjects. In this study, we investigated whether regional brain tissue densities in AIS patients differ from matched control subjects. Nine left thoracic AIS girls (mean Cobbs angle 19°) and 11 matched controls; 20 right thoracic AIS girls (mean Cobbs 33.8°) and 17 matched controls underwent MR imaging of the brain. Fully automatic morphometric analysis was used to analyse the MR images; it included linear registration to a template brain and brain-tissue classification into grey matter (GM), white matter (WM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Tissue densities were compared between AIS subjects and controls. There was no significant difference between AIS subjects and normal controls when comparing absolute and relative (i.e. brain-size adjusted) volumes of grey and white matter. Using voxel-based morphometry, significant group differences (Controls > left AIS) were found in density of WM, in genu of corpus callosum, left internal capsule (anterior arm) and WM underlying orbitofrontal cortex of the left hemisphere. The above difference was not observed in right AIS group. Corpus callosum, major commissural fiber responsible for controlling the balance of right and left side of the body, was different in atypical left scoliosis while significant regional brain changes have not yet found in those with typical right thoracic scoliosis. Further investigation is warranted to see whether the above discrepancy is related to laterality of the scoliotic curve.
机译:对亚临床神经系统异常的观察导致了AIS的神经发育病因学模型的提出。在AIS受试者中已证明,体感诱发电位(SSEP)的潜伏期较长且平衡控制受损。在这项研究中,我们调查了AIS患者的区域脑组织密度是否与匹配的对照对象不同。九名左胸AIS女孩(平均Cobbs角为19°)和11名相匹配的对照组;对20名右胸AIS女孩(平均Cobbs 33.8°)和17名相匹配的对照组进行了MR大脑成像。全自动形态分析用于分析MR图像。它包括模板脑的线性配准和脑组织分类,分为灰质(GM),白质(WM)和脑脊液(CSF)。在AIS受试者和对照之间比较组织密度。比较绝对和相对(即脑大小调整)的灰白色物质的体积时,AIS受试者与正常对照组之间没有显着差异。使用基于体素的形态计量学,发现WM密度,call体属,左内囊(前臂)和左半球眶额皮质下的WM密度存在显着的组差异(“对照”>“左AIS”)。右AIS组未观察到上述差异。 us体是负责控制身体左右两侧平衡的主要连合纤维,在非典型性左脊柱侧弯方面有所不同,而在典型的右胸侧弯患者中尚未发现明显的区域性大脑变化。有必要进行进一步的研究,以查看上述差异是否与脊柱侧弯曲线的横向性有关。



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