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The Riddle of the Self revisited


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This paper pays tribute to Felix Trofimovich Mikhajlov (1930–2006), on the occasion of the publication of the third edition of his well-known book, Zagadka čelovečeskogo ja (The Riddle of the Self). Zagadka is a fine expression of the critical humanism that characterized some of the best Russian writing in the Marxist tradition. Moreover, the book provides an ingenious introduction to the philosophical framework of what in the West is called “cultural-historical activity theory.” The first part of the paper is a personal reminiscence about Felix, his remarkable gifts, and the friendship we enjoyed for more than 25 years. The second part returns to the themes of Zagadka and considers what resonance they have for us today, nearly half a century after its first publication.
机译:这篇论文向费利克斯·特罗菲莫维奇·米哈伊洛夫(Felix Trofimovich Mikhajlov,1930-2006年)致敬,他出版了他的著名著作《 Zagadkačelovečeskogoja》(《自我之谜》)第三版。扎加德卡(Zagadka)很好地表达了批判性人本主义,该批判性人文主义是马克思主义传统中一些最好的俄罗斯著作的特色。此外,这本书对西方所谓的“文化-历史活动理论”的哲学框架进行了巧妙的介绍。本文的第一部分是对费利克斯(Felix)的个人回忆,他的非凡才能以及我们25年来所享有的友谊。第二部分回到Zagadka的主题,并考虑在Zagadka首次出版后近半个世纪的今天,它们对我们有何共鸣。



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