首页> 外文期刊>Studies in Comparative International Development (SCID) >Natural resource growth poles and frontier urbanization in Latin America

Natural resource growth poles and frontier urbanization in Latin America


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What does globalization mean for societies dependent on natural resource extraction? Synthesizing comparative evidence with empirical analysis from Venezuela, I show how the “growth pole” model for economic growth translated to an applied model for the spatial transformation of Latin America’s resource frontier, and the contradictions this development model engendered. Specifically, I weigh, local versus national consequences of Venezuela’s variation of the growth pole concept, Ciudad Guayana. Despite unimaginable natural resources and staggering public investments, this forty-year-old frontier metropolis is Latin America’s most successful experiment with the model, yet it remains constrained by its status as a source of raw materials.
机译:全球化对依赖自然资源开采的社会意味着什么?将比较证据与委内瑞拉的经验分析相结合,我展示了经济增长的“增长极”模型如何转化为拉美资源边界的空间转换的应用模型,以及这种发展模型产生的矛盾。具体来说,我权衡了委内瑞拉瓜拉纳(Ciudad Guayana)增长极概念的本地与国家后果。尽管拥有不可思议的自然资源和惊人的公共投资,但这个有40年历史的前沿大都市是拉丁美洲对该模型进行的最成功的实验,但仍然受到其作为原材料来源的地位的限制。



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