首页> 外文期刊>Structural equation modeling >Software Packages for Bayesian Multilevel Modeling

Software Packages for Bayesian Multilevel Modeling


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Multilevel modeling is a statistical approach to analyze hierarchical data that consist of individual observations nested within clusters. Bayesian method is a well-known, sometimes better, alternative of Maximum likelihood method for fitting multilevel models. Lack of user friendly and computationally efficient software packages or programs was a main obstacle in applying Bayesian multilevel modeling. In recent years, the development of software packages for multilevel modeling with improved Bayesian algorithms and faster speed has been growing. This article aims to update the knowledge of software packages for Bayesian multilevel modeling and therefore to promote the use of these packages. Three categories of software packages capable of Bayesian multilevel modeling including brms, MCMCglmm, glmmBUGS, Bambi, R2BayesX, BayesReg, R2MLwiN and others are introduced and compared in terms of computational efficiency, modeling capability and flexibility, as well as user-friendliness. Recommendations to practical users and suggestions for future development are also discussed.



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