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Number of Subjects and Time Points Needed for Multilevel Time-Series Analysis: A Simulation Study of Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling


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Dynamic structural equation modeling (DSEM) is a novel, intensive longitudinal data (ILD) analysis framework. DSEM models intraindividual changes over time on Level 1 and allows the parameters of these processes to vary across individuals on Level 2 using random effects. DSEM merges time series, structural equation, multilevel, and time-varying effects models. Despite the well-known properties of these analysis areas by themselves, it is unclear how their sample size requirements and recommendations transfer to the DSEM framework. This article presents the results of a simulation study that examines the estimation quality of univariate 2-level autoregressive models of order 1, AR(1), using Bayesian analysis in Mplus Version 8. Three features are varied in the simulations: complexity of the model, number of subjects, and number of time points per subject. Samples with many subjects and few time points are shown to perform substantially better than samples with few subjects and many time points.
机译:动态结构方程模型(DSEM)是一种新颖的密集纵向数据(ILD)分析框架。 DSEM在1级上模拟随时间变化的个体差异,并使用随机效应允许在2级上个体间这些过程的参数发生变化。 DSEM合并了时间序列,结构方​​程,多级和时变效应模型。尽管这些分析领域本身具有众所周知的属性,但尚不清楚它们的样本量要求和建议如何转移到DSEM框架中。本文介绍了仿真研究的结果,该研究使用Mplus版本8中的贝叶斯分析检查了1级AR(1)单变量2级自回归模型的估计质量。仿真中有三个特征:模型的复杂性,科目数和每个科目的时间点数。具有多个主题和几个时间点的样本表现出比具有几个主题和多个时间点的样本更好的性能。



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