首页> 外文期刊>Structural Control and Health Monitoring >Semi-active vibration control device based on superelastic NiTi wires

Semi-active vibration control device based on superelastic NiTi wires


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The present paper presents a physical prototype that simulates the response of a single degree of freedom dynamicnsystem, equipped with a novel semi-active vibration control device. This device comprises two superelastic NiTinelements working in phase opposition and aims to prevent deck unseating in simply supported bridges, during anseismic excitation. The special design of this device allows to avoid problems related to stress–relaxation phenomenanand material degradation because of cyclic loading that have been observed in similar passive dissipation devices. Thenproposed design uses a strategy that permits the continuous adapting of the accumulated stress in the NiTi wires, on thenbasis of the response of the device to external excitations. Although unloaded, the NiTi elements remain strain/stressnfree, preventing stress–relaxation phenomena. With the occurrence of a dynamic excitation, a cumulative strain/stressnprocess in the superelastic wires is initiated, enabling higher martensite transformation ratios and therefore increasingnthe damping capacities of the system while keeping the stresses in the wires inside a narrower superelastic window.nThe strain/stress accumulation in the superelastic wires is a direct result of the motion of the structure itself, with nonneed for external energy input. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:本文提出了一种物理样机,该样机可模拟单自由度动态系统的响应,并配备了新型的半主动振动控制装置。该装置包括两个在相位相反的情况下工作的超弹性镍钛合金,其目的是在地震激励过程中,防止甲板在简单支撑的桥梁中脱开。该设备的特殊设计可以避免与应力松弛现象和材料退化相关的问题,这些问题是由于在类似的无源耗散设备中观察到的周期性负载而引起的。然后,拟议的设计使用了一种策略,该策略允许根据设备对外部激励的响应,连续调整NiTi导线中的累积应力。尽管没有加载,NiTi元素仍保持无应变/无应力状态,从而防止了应力松弛现象。随着动态激励的发生,超弹性线材开始累积的应变/应力过程,从而实现更高的马氏体转化率,从而增加系统的阻尼能力,同时将线材中的应力保持在较窄的超弹性窗口内。超弹性金属丝中的堆积是结构本身运动的直接结果,不需要外部能量输入。版权所有©2012 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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