首页> 外文期刊>Strategic Organization >Empirically eliciting complementarities in capabilities: integrating quasi-experimental and panel data methodologies

Empirically eliciting complementarities in capabilities: integrating quasi-experimental and panel data methodologies


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Resource-based researchers are finding considerable support for the association between the creation and application of organizational capabilities and competitive advantage. However, measuring organizational capabilities presents empirical researchers with substantial difficulties. This study proposes quasi-experimental research design and panel data estimation techniques for future empirical work on capabilities: this approach takes advantage of more easily measured resources transferred in the strategic factor market to elicit what otherwise would be unknowable capabilities. This approach also allows researchers to uncover how, when building organizational capabilities through factor market resource acquisitions, firms differ significantly in their ability to leverage tangible and intangible complementary resources to enhance the operational performance of acquired resources.This empirical approach is illustrated through an investigation of the US international airline industry from 1983 to 1992, during which time the industry experienced a significant transfer in the rights to operate US international routes.The results of the analysis demonstrate how quasi-experimental design, when coupled with panel data estimation techniques, is a powerful econometric strategy for researchers interested in modeling heterogeneity in firm capabilities.
机译:基于资源的研究人员正在为组织能力的创建和应用与竞争优势之间的关联找到相当大的支持。但是,测量组织能力给经验研究人员带来了很大的困难。这项研究为未来的能力实证研究提出了准实验研究设计和面板数据估计技术:这种方法利用了在战略因素市场上转移的更容易衡量的资源的优势,从而激发了其他无法理解的能力。这种方法还使研究人员能够发现,在通过要素市场资源获取来建立组织能力时,企业在利用有形和无形互补资源来增强所获取资源的运营绩效方面的能力存在显着差异。 1983年至1992年期间,美国国际航空业经历了美国国际航线运营权的重大转移。分析结果表明,与面板数据估算技术相结合的准实验设计是一种强大的计量经济学策略,供有兴趣对公司能力异质性建模的研究人员使用。



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