首页> 外文期刊>Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment >An analysis of changes in flood quantiles at the gauge Neu Darchau (Elbe River) from 1875 to 2013

An analysis of changes in flood quantiles at the gauge Neu Darchau (Elbe River) from 1875 to 2013


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Within this investigation, we focus on a detailed analysis of the discharge data of the gauge Neu Darchau (Elbe River). The Elbe River inflows onto the North Sea. The gauge Neu Darchau is the most downstream discharge gauge of the Elbe River before it becomes an estuary. We follow the questions, whether the discharge characteristics of the Elbe River have changed over the last decades and how much common flood quantiles (i.e. 100-year flood) are affected by the latest extreme events in 2002, 2006, 2011, and 2013. Hence, we conduct (i) trend and seasonality analysis and (ii) an assessment of time-dependencies of flood quantiles by using quasi non-stationary extreme value statistics with both block maxima and peak-over-threshold approaches. The (iii) significance of the changes found in flood quantiles are assessed by using a stochastic approach based on autoregressive models and Monte Carlo simulations. The results of the trend analyses do show no clear evidences for any significant trends in daily mean discharges and increasing flood frequencies. With respect to the extreme events in 2002, 2006, 2011, and 2013 our results reveal, that those events do not lead to extraordinary changes in the 100-year floods. Nevertheless, in the majority an increase in the 100-year floods over the recent decades can be stated. Although these changes are not significant, for many time series of the 100-year flood quantiles there is a clear tendency towards the upper confidence band.
机译:在这项调查中,我们着重于对新达楚河(易北河)水位数据的详细分析。易北河流入北海。在进入河口之前,Neu Darchau水位表是易北河的最下游流量表。我们关注以下问题:易北河的排放特征在过去几十年中是否发生了变化,以及2002、2006、2011和2013年的最新极端事件对多少普通洪水分位数(即100年洪水)产生了影响。 ,我们进行(i)趋势和季节性分析,以及(ii)通过使用具有块最大值和阈值上限方法的准非平稳极值统计量来评估洪水分位数的时间依赖性。通过使用基于自回归模型和蒙特卡洛模拟的随机方法评估洪水分位数中变化的(iii)重要性。趋势分析的结果的确没有明确证据表明日均流量和洪水频率增加有任何重大趋势。关于2002年,2006年,2011年和2013年的极端事件,我们的结果表明,这些事件并不会导致100年洪水的特殊变化。然而,在大多数情况下,可以说最近几十年中100年洪水的增加。尽管这些变化并不显着,但是对于100年洪水分位数的许多时间序列而言,明显有向较高置信带移动的趋势。



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