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Baron von Eschwege and his bloomery ironworks, Fabrica Patriotica

机译:冯·埃施维格男爵和他的盛开铁厂Fabrica Patriotica

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Von Eschwege was born in 1777 in the small village of Aue near Eschwege V in Hesse, south-east of Kassel in Germany. He studied law at the University of Gottingen, then geology, mining and metallurgy at the University of Marburg and finally joined the school of mining and metallurgy at Clausthal. From here, he expanded his knowledge of mining by working in different mining areas in Germany, where, in 1800, he made the acquaintance of F L Varnhagen, later to become his friend, in Portugal and, following the Napoleonic invasion of that country, on fleeing to Brazil. In 1803 he travelled to Portugal at the request of the hessian minister Waitz von Eschen. At that time the mining industry in Portugal was primitive. There were no skilled workers, no entrepreneurial activity and no mining tradition existed. In 1801 Jose Bonifacio d'Andrada - who was born in Brazil - had become chairman of the regional mining inspectorate. -(He was later to became a Brazilian minister and friend of Alexander von Humboldt, the famous explorer of South America). In Portugal, d'Andrada attempted to initiate new developments. Eschwege was invited to became director of the iron and steel plant at Foz d Alge at the age of only 26 years. He travelled to Germany to hire skilled workers and produced the first iron after his return. In his notes on mining and metallurgical in Portugal, including its history, he describes in detail the organisation of the administration (Junta da administracao) and the people involved. As an example, he mentions the technical head of the iron works, who was '....a monk, escaped from an Irish monastery, who was usually drunk'.
机译:冯·埃施维格(Von Eschwege)于1777年出生于德国卡塞尔东南部黑森州埃施维格五世附近的小村庄奥埃。他在哥廷根大学学习法律,然后在马尔堡大学学习地质,采矿和冶金学,最后加入了克劳斯塔尔的采矿和冶金学院。从这里开始,他通过在德国不同的矿区工作扩大了对采矿的了解,1800年,他在FL Varnhagen认识了他,后来在葡萄牙成为了他的朋友,并且在拿破仑入侵该国之后,逃往巴西。 1803年,他应黑森州大臣Waitz von Eschen的邀请前往葡萄牙。当时葡萄牙的采矿业很原始。没有熟练的工人,没有企业家活动,也没有采矿传统。 1801年出生于巴西的何塞·博尼法西奥·德安德拉达(Jose Bonifacio d'Andrada)成为该地区矿业监察局的主席。 -(他后来成为巴西部长,并成为南美著名探险家亚历山大·冯·洪堡的朋友)。在葡萄牙,安德拉达(d'Andrada)尝试开展新的发展。埃施韦格(Eschwege)仅26岁,就被邀请担任福斯·达阿尔赫(Foz d Alge)钢铁厂的厂长。他前往德国聘请熟练的工人,并在回国后生产了第一台熨斗。在关于葡萄牙的采矿和冶金的笔记(包括其历史)中,他详细描述了政府的组织(Junta da administracao)和所涉人员。例如,他提到了铁工厂的技术负责人,他是“ ....一个从爱尔兰修道院逃脱的和尚,他通常是喝醉的”。



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