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Phylogeny-driven target selection for large-scale genome-sequencing (and other) projects


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Despite the steadily decreasing costs of genome sequencing, prioritizing organisms for sequencing remains important in large-scale projects. Phylogeny-based selection is of interest to identify those organisms whose genomes can be expected to differ most from those that have already been sequenced. Here, we describe a method that infers a phylogenetic scoring independent of which set of organisms has previously been targeted, which is computationally simple and easy to apply in practice. The scoring itself, as well as pre- and post-processing of the data, is illustrated using two real-world examples in which the method has already been applied for selecting targets for genome sequencing. These projects are the JGI CSP Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea phase I, targeting 1,000 type strains, and, on a smaller-scale, the phylogenomics of the Roseobacter clade. Potential artifacts of the method are discussed and compared to a selection approach based on the taxonomic classification.
机译:尽管基因组测序的成本稳步下降,但是在大型项目中,对生物进行优先排序仍然很重要。基于系统发生学的选择对于识别那些基因组与已经测序的生物最不同的生物很重要。在这里,我们描述了一种推断系统发育评分的方法,该方法与先前已针对的那一组生物无关,该方法计算简单,易于在实践中应用。使用两个真实的示例说明了评分本身以及数据的预处理和后处理,在该示例中,该方法已经应用于选择基因组测序的目标。这些项目是针对细菌和古细菌第一阶段的JGI CSP基因组百科全书,目标是1,000种菌株,以及规模较小的玫瑰红细菌进化枝的系统发育组学。讨论了该方法的潜在伪像,并将其与基于分类学分类的选择方法进行了比较。



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