首页> 外文期刊>Spectrum, IEEE >Instrumentation VII: The human factors: The operator, who must push buttons, twist knobs, and observe results rapidly, clearly, and unambiguously, is a principal design constraint

Instrumentation VII: The human factors: The operator, who must push buttons, twist knobs, and observe results rapidly, clearly, and unambiguously, is a principal design constraint


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Although recorded attempts to integrate human factors into equipment design date back to the last century, it was not until World War II that human factors engineering became a specialized science. Today, instrument manufacturers consider ¿human engineering¿ vital in gaining user confidence as well as dollars. Indeed, many respondents to a recent Spectrum instrumentation survey (see pp. 69¿72) regarded neglect of human factors a major problem in instruments they didn't like. Perhaps the greatest exponent of human factors engineering is NASA, which throughout the space program has conceptualized man as a working component of the overall system. In fact, NASA has defined a manned space system as hardware, software, and man!



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