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A Pilot Carbon Dioxide Test, Hall-Gurney Field, Kansas


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A pilot carbon dioxide (CO_2) -miscible flood was initiated in the Lansing-Kansas City C formation in the Hall-Gurney Field, Russell County, Kansas. The reservoir zone is an oomoldic limestone located at a depth of approximately 2,900 ft. The pilot consisted of one CO_2 injection well and three production wells. Continuous CO_2 injection began in December 2003 and continued through June 2005, at which point 16.19 million lbm of CO_2 had been injected into the pilot area. Injection was converted to water in June 2005 to reduce operating costs to a break-even level with the expectation that sufficient CO_2 was injected to displace the oil bank to the production wells by water injection. By March 2010, 8,736 bbl of oil had been produced from the pilot. Production from wells to the northwest of the pilot region indicated that oil displaced by CO_2 injection was produced from five wells outside of the pilot area, to the northwest. Approximately 19,166 bbl of incremental oil was estimated to have been produced from these wells as of March 2010. There was evidence of a directional permeability trend toward the northwest through the pilot region. The majority of the injected CO_2 remained in the pilot region, which was maintained at or above the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP). Although the four-well pilot was uneconomical, the estimated oil recovery attributed to the CO_2 flood is 27,902 bbl, which is equivalent to a gross CO_2 usage of 4.8 Mcf/bbl.
机译:在堪萨斯州罗素县Hall-Gurney油田的Lansing-Kansas City C地层开始了与二氧化碳(CO_2)混溶的试验性洪水。储层是一块卵白质石灰岩,位于约2,900英尺的深度。该试点由一口CO_2注入井和三口生产井组成。从2003年12月开始连续注入CO_2,一直持续到2005年6月,此时已向试验区注入了1619万磅的CO_2。注水于2005年6月转换为水,以将运营成本降低至收支平衡水平,并期望注入足够的CO_2以通过注水将油库置换到生产井中。到2010年3月,该试点已生产了8,736桶石油。从试点地区西北部的油井生产表明,通过注入CO_2驱替的油是从试点地区以外的5口油井向西北部生产的。截至2010年3月,据估计这些井已生产了约19166桶增量石油。有证据表明,通过试点地区向西北方向渗透率趋势。大部分注入的CO_2保留在先导区域,该区域保持在最小混溶压力(MMP)或更高。尽管四口试井是不经济的,但由于CO_2洪水造成的采油量估计为27,902桶,相当于CO_2的总使用量为4.8 Mcf / bbl。



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