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Commercial Use of GPS Expanding into More New Markets


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Just as military use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology is exploding with successful battlefield applications like asset tracking and precision guided weapons, the well-established commercial market for GPS products is also taking off with an even greater array of new products. Bruce Peetz, vice president of technology for Trimble Navigation Ltd., a GPS components and solutions company based in Sunnyvale, Calif., attributed the take-off to the successful integration of satellite navigation and positioning, Internet and mobile technology. By working in all of these areas, Trimble has been able to do more for customers in a variety of commercial markets, he said.
机译:正如军事上对全球定位系统(GPS)技术的军事应用激增,如资产跟踪和精确制导武器等成功的战场应用一样,成熟的GPS产品商业市场也正在兴起更多新产品。位于加利福尼亚州桑尼维尔的GPS组件和解决方案公司Trimble Navigation Ltd.的技术副总裁Bruce Peetz将此次起飞归功于卫星导航和定位,互联网与移动技术的成功集成。他说,通过在所有这些领域的合作,Trimble能够为各种商业市场的客户做更多的事情。



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