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Six Observations on Mark Horowitz


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Anyone who volunteers for IEEE or works on a conference committee will recognize the syndrome. You find yourself in a room full of people you don't know very well, but you know their names and their reputations, and you think "I sure hope I don't make a fool of myself." Then the saying "better be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt" pops into your head. The discussion begins, and you spend half your time thinking "what the heck did they just say?" and the other half thinking "wait, that can't be right." And then Mark Horowitz speaks up, cuts right to the heart of what's being discussed, and in a reasonable, nonoffensive way, gets two key points across: 1) you're all on the wrong track and 2) here?s the right one. It's a beautiful thing to watch.
机译:任何自愿参加IEEE或在会议委员会工作的人都会认识到这种综合症。您会发现自己所在的房间里挤满了您不太了解的人,但是您知道他们的名字和声誉,并且您认为“我希望我不要自欺欺人”。然后说“更好地保持沉默,被当作傻瓜,而不是大声说出来,消除一切疑虑”的念头突然出现。讨论开始了,您花了一半时间思考“他们刚才说了什么?”另一半则认为“等等,那是不对的”。然后马克·霍洛维茨(Mark Horowitz)发言,切入正在讨论的内容的中心,以一种合理的,没有冒犯性的方式,得出了两个关键点:1)你们走错了路,2)这里是正确的。观看是一件美丽的事。



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