首页> 外文期刊>Solar Physics >On the Nature of Prominence Absorption and Emission in Highly Ionized Iron and in Neutral Hydrogen

On the Nature of Prominence Absorption and Emission in Highly Ionized Iron and in Neutral Hydrogen


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We have studied the behavior of the emission in the highly ionized EUV lines Fe ix/x, 171 Å, Fe xii, 195 Å, and Fe xv, 284 Å observed in quiescent prominences. Kucera, Andretta, and Poland (1998) have explained the absorption of other highly ionized metallic EUV lines as due to absorption in the hydrogen continuum. However, since the authors noticed deviations from the expected λ3 dependence of the absorption strengths, we have explored the possibility that emission in EUV iron lines can influence the observations. We propose the existence of a hot, i.e., million-degree plasma component of the prominence–corona transition region (PCTR), where the EUV iron lines originate. We find that (i) neither of the two scenarios alone reproduces observations; (ii) both emission and absorption increase prior to eruption; (iii) the measurements of Kucera, Andretta, and Poland's 14 May event are strongly affected by hot PCTR emission.
机译:我们研究了在静态突出中观察到的高电离EUV线Fe ix / x,171Å,Fe xii,195Å和Fe xv,284Å中的发射行为。 Kucera,Andretta和Poland(1998年)已经解释了其他高度电离的金属EUV线的吸收,这是由于连续氢中的吸收所致。但是,由于作者注意到吸收强度与预期的λ3依赖性之间存在偏差,因此我们已经探索了EUV铁管线中的发射会影响观测结果的可能性。我们建议在EUV铁线起源的突出-电晕过渡区(PCTR)中存在一个高温(即百万度)血浆成分。我们发现(i)两种情况都不能单独再现观察结果; (ii)喷发前的发射和吸收都增加; (iii)Kucera,Andretta和波兰5月14日事件的测量值受到PCTR热辐射的强烈影响。



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