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CMOS-APS Detectors for Solar Physics: Lessons Learned during the SWAP Preflight Calibration


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CMOS-APS imaging detectors open new opportunities for remote sensing in solar physics beyond what classical CCDs can provide, offering far less power consumption, simpler electronics, better radiation hardness, and the possibility of avoiding a mechanical shutter. The SWAP telescope onboard the PROBA2 technology demonstration satellite of the European Space Agency will be the first actual implementation of a CMOS-APS detector for solar physics in orbit. One of the goals of the SWAP project is precisely to acquire experience with the CMOS-APS technology in a real-live space science context. Such a precursor mission is essential in the preparation of missions such as Solar Orbiter where the extra CMOS-APS functionalities will be hard requirements. The current paper concentrates on specific CMOS-APS issues that were identified during the SWAP preflight calibration measurements. We will discuss the different readout possibilities that the CMOS-APS detector of SWAP provides and their associated pros and cons. In particular we describe the “image lag” effect, which results in a contamination of each image with a remnant of the previous image. We have characterised this effect for the specific SWAP implementation and we conclude with a strategy on how to successfully circumvent the problem and actually take benefit of it for solar monitoring.
机译:CMOS-APS成像检测器为太阳能物理学领域的遥感提供了新的机遇,这超出了传统CCD所能提供的范围,它具有更低的功耗,更简单的电子设备,更好的辐射硬度以及避免机械快门的可能性。欧洲航天局PROBA2技术演示卫星上的SWAP望远镜将是用于轨道太阳物理的CMOS-APS检测器的第一个实际实现。 SWAP项目的目标之一就是在现实的太空科学环境中获得CMOS-APS技术的经验。在准备诸如太阳轨道飞行器之类的任务时,此类前期任务至关重要,在这些任务中,很难获得额外的CMOS-APS功能。当前的论文集中在SWAP飞行前校准测量中发现的特定CMOS-APS问题。我们将讨论SWAP的CMOS-APS检测器提供的不同读出可能性及其相关的优缺点。特别地,我们描述了“图像滞后”效应,该效应导致每个图像被先前图像的残留物污染。我们已经针对具体的SWAP实施对这种影响进行了描述,并以如何成功规避该问题并实际利用它进行太阳能监测的策略作为结束。



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