首页> 外文期刊>Solar Physics >The Connection of Solar Wind Parameters with Radio and UV Emission from Coronal Holes

The Connection of Solar Wind Parameters with Radio and UV Emission from Coronal Holes


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This paper presents the results of a comparison between observations of coronal holes in UV (SOHO EIT) and radio emission (17, 5.7 GHz, 327 and 150.9 MHz, from NoRH, SSRT and Nançay radioheliographs), and solar wind parameters, from ACE spacecraft data over the period 12 March – 31 May 2007. The increase in the solar wind velocity up to ∼ 600 km s−1 was found to correlate with a decrease in the UV flux in the central parts of the solar disk. A connection between the parameters of the radio emission from three different layers of the solar atmosphere and the solar wind velocity near the Earth’s orbit was discovered. Such a connection is suggestive of a common mechanism of solar wind acceleration from chromospheric heights to the upper corona.
机译:本文介绍了以下结果的比较结果:从ACE航天器观测到的紫外线(SOHO EIT)中的冠状孔和无线电发射(来自NoRH,SSRT和Nançay放射线描记器的无线电发射(17、5.7 GHz,327和150.9 MHz)和太阳风参数数据来自2007年3月12日至5月31日。太阳风速增加至〜600 km s-1 与太阳盘中心部分的紫外线通量减少有关。发现了来自三个不同层次的太阳大气层的无线电发射参数与地球轨道附近的太阳风速之间的联系。这种联系暗示了太阳风从色层高度到上层日冕加速的常见机制。



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