首页> 外文期刊>Solar Physics >Vorticity of Subsurface Flows of Emerging and Decaying Active Regions

Vorticity of Subsurface Flows of Emerging and Decaying Active Regions


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We study the temporal variation of the vorticity of subsurface flows of 828 active regions and 977 quiet regions. The vorticity of these flows is derived from measured subsurface velocities. The horizontal flows are determined by analyzing high-resolution Global Oscillation Network Group Doppler data with ring-diagram analysis covering a range of depths from the surface to about 16 Mm. The vertical velocity component is derived from the divergence of the measured horizontal flows using mass conservation. We determine the change in unsigned magnetic flux density during the disk passage of each active region using Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) magnetograms binned to the ring-diagram grid with centers spaced by 7.5° ranging ± 52.5° in latitude and central meridian distance with an effective diameter of 15° after apodization. We then sort the data by their flux change from decaying to emerging flux and divide the data into five subsets of equal size. We find that the vorticity of subsurface flows increases during flux emergence and decreases when active regions decay. For flux emergence, the absolute values of the zonal and meridional vorticity components show the most coherent variation with activity, while for flux decrease the strongest signature is in the absolute values of the meridional and vertical vorticity components. The temporal variation of the enstrophy (residual vorticity squared) is thus a good indicator for either flux increase or decrease. There are some indications that the increase in vorticity during flux emergence happens about a day later at depths below about 8 Mm compared to layers shallower than about 4 Mm. This timing difference might imply that the vorticity signal analyzed here is caused by the interaction between magnetic flux and turbulent flows near the solar surface. There are also hints that the vorticity decrease during flux decay begins about a day earlier at layers deeper than about 8 Mm compared to shallower ones. However, the timing difference between the change at different depths is comparable to the time step of the analysis.
机译:我们研究了828个活跃区域和977个安静区域的地下流动涡度的时间变化。这些流动的涡度是从测得的地下速度得出的。水平流是通过分析高分辨率的全球振荡网络群多普勒数据,并用环图分析来确定的,该数据覆盖了从表面到大约16 Mm的深度范围。垂直速度分量是使用质量守恒从测量的水平流的发散中得出的。我们使用装在环形图网格上的迈克尔逊多普勒成像仪(MDI)磁图,确定中心在每个纬度和中心子午线之间以7.5°范围±52.5°间隔的中心位置,并通过一个以切趾后的有效直径为15°。然后,我们根据从衰减到出现的通量的通量变化对数据进行排序,然后将数据分为五个大小相等的子集。我们发现地下流动的涡度在通量出现期间增加,而在活动区域​​衰减时减少。对于通量出现,纬向和子午旋涡分量的绝对值显示出与活动最相关的变化,而对于通量减小,最强的特征在于子午和垂直旋涡分量的绝对值。因此,涡旋的时间变化(残余涡度平方)是通量增加或减少的良好指示。有迹象表明,与小于约4 Mm的层相比,在通量出现期间涡度的增加大约在一天之后发生在约8 Mm以下的深度。这种时间差异可能意味着此处分析的涡度信号是由太阳表面附近的磁通量和湍流之间的相互作用引起的。也有迹象表明,在通量衰减期间,涡旋强度的下降大约比较浅层的深约8 Mm的层早一天。但是,不同深度处的变化之间的时间差可与分析的时间步长相媲美。



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