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The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)


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The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) provides multiple simultaneous high-resolution full-disk images of the corona and transition region up to 0.5 R ⊙ above the solar limb with 1.5-arcsec spatial resolution and 12-second temporal resolution. The AIA consists of four telescopes that employ normal-incidence, multilayer-coated optics to provide narrow-band imaging of seven extreme ultraviolet (EUV) band passes centered on specific lines: Fe xviii (94 Å), Fe viii, xxi (131 Å), Fe ix (171 Å), Fe xii, xxiv (193 Å), Fe xiv (211 Å), He ii (304 Å), and Fe xvi (335 Å). One telescope observes C iv (near 1600 Å) and the nearby continuum (1700 Å) and has a filter that observes in the visible to enable coalignment with images from other telescopes. The temperature diagnostics of the EUV emissions cover the range from 6×104 K to 2×107 K. The AIA was launched as a part of NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission on 11 February 2010. AIA will advance our understanding of the mechanisms of solar variability and of how the Sun’s energy is stored and released into the heliosphere and geospace.
机译:大气成像组件(AIA)提供多个同时的高分辨率全盘影像,这些影像是日冕上最高达0.5 R sub处的电晕和过渡区域,其空间分辨率为1.5弧秒,时间分辨率为12秒。 AIA由四台望远镜组成,这些望远镜采用法向入射多层镀膜光学器件,以对特定线为中心的七个极端紫外线(EUV)带通进行窄带成像:Fe xviii(94Å),Fe viii,xxi(131Å ),Fe ix(171Å),Fe xii,xxiv(193Å),Fe xiv(211Å),He ii(304Å)和Fe xvi(335Å)。一台望远镜观察C iv(1600Å附近)和附近的连续体(1700Å),并具有一个滤镜,该滤镜可在可见光范围内观察,以使其与其他望远镜的图像保持一致。 EUV排放的温度诊断范围从6×104 K到2×107 K。AIA是NASA太阳动力学天文台(SDO)任务的一部分,于2010年2月11日启动。友邦保险将加深我们对太阳可变性机制以及太阳能量如何存储并释放到日光层和地球空间的理解。



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