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Impact of high-voltage power transmission lines on photovoltaic power production


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One important issue not reported in the literature is to determine the impact of a high-voltage (HV) power transmission line on the power production of a photovoltaic (PV) module located near the power transmission line. Since grid-connected PV power generation systems are generally located near HV power transmission lines, this issue becomes even more crucial. For the first time, this research work addresses this issue by presenting a novel comprehensive theoretical analysis and providing relevant experimental verifications. The outcome of this study demonstrates that the electric field of the electromagnetic (EM) wave produced by a HV power transmission line has no influence on the output power of a PV module located near the power transmission line, while the magnetic field of the EM wave has a huge negative impact on the output power. Moreover, this impact intensifies when the current of the power transmission line becomes larger to respond load demand, and declines by increasing the distance between the PV module and the conductors of the power transmission line. Finally, to high efficiently utilize PV power generation systems, a minimum distance of 200 m between PV panels and HV power transmission lines is recommended.
机译:文献中未报道的一个重要问题是确定高压(HV)输电线路对位于该输电线路附近的光伏(PV)模块发电的影响。由于并网光伏发电系统通常位于高压输电线路附近,因此这一问题变得更加关键。这项研究工作首次通过提出新颖的综合理论分析并提供相关的实验验证来解决这一问题。这项研究的结果表明,高压输电线路产生的电磁波的电场对位于输电线路附近的光伏组件的输出功率没有影响,而电磁波的磁场对输出功率产生巨大的负面影响。而且,当电力传输线的电流变大以响应负载需求时,这种影响加剧,并且通过增加PV模块与电力传输线的导体之间的距离而减小。最后,为了高效利用光伏发电系统,建议光伏面板和高压输电线路之间的最小距离为200 m。



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