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The Bad Guys Are Out-Running The Good Guys - Can Compliance Stop Them?


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Judging by the number of public breaches that we keep hearing about, it looks like the bad guys are far outrunning the good guys. We know it's a big problem because as a company we get called in to sort out the problems most often once the horse has bolted. In June of this year in the US with section 6.6 of the PCI Data Security Standards (DSS) becomes mandatory in the US will things change? From a UK perspective it'll be interesting to whether it makes a change for the better. Online merchants that process credit card payments will either have to conduct a code review for their applications or install an application-layer firewall. The standard offers a choice, but there really isn't any choice at all. If an organization is going to successfully protect its data, it needs to aim for preventing a breach, not passing an audit. This means, first, finding and fixing the vulnerabilities in your software, second, building security into the development process, and third, protecting your applications once they're deployed. Hannaford Bros, a supermarket chain based in New England, USA, passed a PCI audit and then got hacked. They lost 4.2 million credit and debit card numbers, which has led to 1,800 cases of fraud to date. Over the last two years, as the PCI standards have slowly been implemented, the number of data breaches has increased from 158 incidents in 2005 to 443 incidents in 2007, for a total of 212 million records. So judging by this, you'll see the bad guys are still very much in the lead. And that's why PCI keeps evolving. But, in order to win this battle, companies must invest in security, not just in compliance.
机译:从我们不断听到的公共违规事件的数量来看,坏人似乎远远超过了好人。我们知道这是一个大问题,因为作为一家公司,我们通常会在问题解决后立即召集解决这些问题。今年6月,美国的PCI数据安全标准(DSS)第6.6节成为强制性规定,情况会发生变化吗?从英国的角度来看,是否会做出更好的改变将是很有趣的。处理信用卡付款的在线商人将不得不对其应用程序进行代码审查或安装应用程序层防火墙。该标准提供了选择,但实际上根本没有任何选择。如果组织要成功保护其数据,则需要以防止泄露为目标,而不是通过审核。这意味着,首先,找到并修复软件中的漏洞,其次,在开发过程中建立安全性,其次,在应用程序部署后对其进行保护。总部位于美国新英格兰的连锁超市Hannaford Bros通过了PCI审核,然后遭到黑客入侵。他们损失了420万张信用卡和借记卡卡号,迄今已导致1,800起欺诈案件。在过去的两年中,随着PCI标准的缓慢实施,数据泄露的数量已从2005年的158起事件增加到2007年的443起事件,总共记录了2.12亿条。因此,从这个角度来看,您会发现坏人仍然处于领先地位。这就是PCI不断发展的原因。但是,为了赢得这场战斗,公司必须投资于安全性,而不仅仅是合规性。



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