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Evaluating user interface generation approaches: model-based versus model-driven development


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Advances in software design possibilities have led to a growing interest in the study of user interfaces (UIs). Many Model-Based User Interface Development Environments (MB-UIDEs) have been proposed to deal with the generation of the UIs (semi-) automatically by using models with different levels of abstraction. Often, this generation is limited to the UI part of an application. However, achieving true model-driven development (MDD) requires the co-development of application and UI and, hence, needs to go a step further. This paper analyzes a large set of existing MB-UIDEs, evaluates, from a critical perspective, to what extent they can be considered full MDD environments, and adequately addresses the co-design of UI and application. Following the guidelines proposed by Kitchenham and Charters (Engineering 2, 2007), we performed a systematic literature review. A total of 96 papers were examined. Based on these papers, an assessment framework containing 10 criteria with specific metrics to evaluate MB-UIDEs was defined and 30 different environments were evaluated following these criteria. The evaluation identifies several gaps in the existing state of the art and highlights the areas of promising improvement. The evaluation shows that, although a strong progress has being achieved over the last years, the existing environments do not yet fully exploit the benefits and potentialities of MDD, nor do they adequately integrate UI design with application logic design and generation. Further research needs to be done to support the MDD of UIs and the co-design of the underlying application. The difficulty of use of the existing MB-UIDEs, the lack of UI design flexibility, and the lack of complete and integrated development support are the main research gaps that need to be addressed.
机译:软件设计可能性的进步已经引起了对用户界面(UI)研究的日益增长的兴趣。已经提出了许多基于模型的用户界面开发环境(MB-UIDE),以通过使用具有不同抽象级别的模型来自动处理UI(半)。通常,这一代仅限于应用程序的UI部分。但是,实现真正的模型驱动开发(MDD)需要应用程序和UI的共同开发,因此需要更进一步。本文分析了一大堆现有的MB-UIDE,从批判的角度评估了它们在多大程度上可以视为完整的MDD环境,并充分解决了UI和应用程序的协同设计问题。根据Kitchenham and Charters提出的指南(Engineering 2,2007年),我们进行了系统的文献综述。总共检查了96篇论文。基于这些论文,定义了一个包含10个标准的评估框架,其中包含用于评估MB-UIDE的特定指标,并根据这些标准评估了30种不同的环境。评估发现了现有技术中的几个空白,并突出了有希望的改进领域。评估显示,尽管在过去几年中取得了长足的进步,但是现有环境尚未充分利用MDD的优势和潜力,也没有将UI设计与应用程序逻辑设计和生成充分集成。需要做进一步的研究以支持UI的MDD和基础应用程序的协同设计。现有MB-UIDE的使用困难,UI设计灵活性不足以及缺乏完整和集成的开发支持是需要解决的主要研究空白。



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