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OCL_(FO): first-order expressive OCL constraints for efficient integrity checking


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OCL is the standard language for defining constraints in UML class diagrams. Unfortunately, as we show in this paper, full OCL is so expressive that it is not possible to check general OCL constraints efficiently. In particular, we show that checking general OCL constraints is not only not polynomial, but not even semidecidable. To overcome this situation, we identify OCLFO, a fragment of OCL which is expressively equivalent to relational algebra (RA). By equivalent we mean that any OCLFO constraint can be checked through a RA query (which guarantees that OCLFO checking is efficient, i.e., polynomial), and any RA query encoding some constraint can be written as an OCLFO constraint (which guarantees expressiveness of OCLFO). In this paper we define the syntax of OCLFO, we concisely determine its semantics through set theory, and we prove its equivalence to RA. Additionally, we identify the core of this language, i.e., a minimal subset of OCLFO equivalent to RA.
机译:OCL是用于在UML类图中定义约束的标准语言。不幸的是,正如我们在本文中所展示的,完整的OCL如此具有表现力,以致无法有效地检查一般的OCL约束。特别是,我们表明,检查常规OCL约束不仅不是多项式,而且甚至不可确定。为了克服这种情况,我们确定了OCLFO,OCLFO的一个片段,在表达上等效于关系代数(RA)。等效地,我们的意思是任何OCLFO约束都可以通过RA查询来检查(这保证OCLFO检查是有效的,即多项式),并且任何编码某种约束的RA查询都可以写为OCLFO约束(这保证了OCLFO的表达性) 。在本文中,我们定义了OCLFO的语法,通过集合理论简明地确定了它的语义,并证明了它与RA的等效性。此外,我们确定了该语言的核心,即,等同于RA的OCLFO的最小子集。



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