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Meta3: a code generator framework for domain-specific languages


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In software development, domain-specific languages (DSLs) are often applied for specific or repetitive tasks. For executable DSLs, a model interpreter can be developed to run DSL programs. Nevertheless, it is more widespread to generate code in a general-purpose programming language. A properly chosen DSL expresses the original problem more naturally for both domain and information technology experts, and thus, this approach makes the whole development process, especially requirements engineering and requirements analysis, more efficient and less prone to human errors. There are code generator frameworks and so-called language workbenches available that make the development of code generators for DSLs easier. In this paper, we report on our own code generator framework, called Meta3. Meta3 is based on our code generator development experience. We believe that this experience report will be useful for developers of code generators and language workbenches interested in building more flexible and robust code generators as well as better tools that support the construction of the latter.
机译:在软件开发中,领域特定语言(DSL)通常用于特定或重复的任务。对于可执行的DSL,可以开发模型解释器以运行DSL程序。然而,以通用编程语言生成代码更为普遍。正确选择的DSL对于领域专家和信息技术专家而言,都更自然地表达了原始问题,因此,这种方法使整个开发过程(尤其是需求工程和需求分析)更加有效并且不易出现人为错误。有代码生成器框架和可用的所谓的语言工作台,可以简化DSL的代码生成器的开发。在本文中,我们报告了我们自己的代码生成器框架Meta3。 Meta3基于我们的代码生成器开发经验。我们认为,这份经验报告对于有兴趣构建更灵活,更强大的代码生成器以及支持后者构建的更好工具的代码生成器和语言工作台的开发人员很有用。



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