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A Reluctant Pessimist?


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Don Robotham, a former teacher of my mine, has done me a great honour by reading my book Omens of Adversity: Tragedy, Time, Memory, Justice in the deft and allusive and succinct way he has done. He reads me thoughtfully, indeed knowingly, for what is in the center of the page as much as for what is off in the margin, for the manifest as much as for the latent text (to borrow a psychoanalytic metaphor). And even where I believe in the end Robotham gets me wrong ("late Hegel," "Dostoyevskian Weber," and so on), he illuminates something of the arena of my preoccupations in a way that is informative, and provocative, and that at least invites considered response. I am grateful therefore to have been afforded this opportunity to reflect on the project of my book in the context of his remarks. I will be brief.
机译:我矿山的前任老师唐·罗巴特姆(Don Robotham)通过阅读我的《逆境预兆:悲剧,时间,记忆,正义》以敏锐而简洁的方式为我赢得了极大的荣誉。他以深思熟虑的方式(确实是有意识地)阅读了我的内容,包括页面中心的内容,页边空白处的内容,清单和潜在文本(借用精神分析的隐喻)。甚至在我最终相信Robotham弄错了我的地方(“黑格尔后期”,“陀思妥耶夫斯基韦伯”等等),他也以启发性和启发性的方式阐明了我所关注的领域。最少邀请考虑的回应。因此,我很高兴有机会在他的讲话中对我的书的项目进行反思。我会简短。



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