首页> 外文期刊>Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on >Smart Microgrids: Optimal Joint Scheduling for Electric Vehicles and Home Appliances

Smart Microgrids: Optimal Joint Scheduling for Electric Vehicles and Home Appliances


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The integration of renewable energy sources and electrical vehicles (EVs) into microgrids is becoming a popular green approach. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, several incentives are given to use renewable energy sources and EVs. By using EVs as electricity storage and renewable energy sources as distributed generators (DGs), microgrids become more reliable, stable, and cost-effective. In this paper, we propose an optimal centralized scheduling method to jointly control the electricity consumption of home appliances and plug-in EVs as well as to discharge the latter ones when they have excess energy, thereby increasing the reliability and stability of microgrids and giving lower electricity prices to customers. We mathematically formulate the scheduling method as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem and solve it to optimality. We compare the optimal solution to that obtained from a scheduling framework, where EVs do not have discharge capabilities, decentralized charge control using game theory and to a solution obtained from a naive scheduling framework.



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