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The Impact of National Policies on Traditional Community Forestry: Forest Proprietorship and Management in Chetan Community, Mazandran, Iran


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This paper traces the evolution of forest management around Chetan village in the northern part of the Elburz Mountains of north Iran, an area of broadleaved temperate forest in the Caspian region, during three distinct time periods. Since the 18th century the forest, pasture and agricultural land were administered under common rights, with a clear financial relationship between descendants of the dominant family and other families, until the constitutional revolution of 1906. Some decades of instability preceded establishment of various regulated and non-regulated orders by new powers. Finally, the Forest Nationalization Law 1963 established new institutions that continue today with some small variations, the government now being the main policy and decision-maker. The paper highlights the differences between the three periods; the third one expresses the impact of national policy on forest proprietorship and management at the village level and the interruption of traditional and transitional processes of management. Keywords Caspian forest - Endowment - Historical context - New institutions - Land tenure - Hyrcanian forest - Local scale This paper was originally presented at the IUFRO International Symposium on Small-scale Rural Forest Use and Management: Global Policies versus Local Knowledge, held in Gérardmer, France, 23–27 June, 2008.
机译:本文追踪了伊朗北部Elburz山北部(里海地区阔叶温带森林的一个地区)的Chetan村周围森林管理在三个不同时期的演变。自18世纪以来,森林,牧场和农业用地是在共同权利下管理的,主要家庭的后代与其他家庭的后代之间有着明确的财务关系,直到1906年宪法革命为止。数十年来的动荡始于各种受管制和非受制国家的建立。 -由新权力管理的订单。最后,1963年《森林国有化法》建立了新的机构,并在今天进行了一些细微的改动,现在政府是主要的政策和决策者。该论文强调了三个时期之间的差异。第三部分表达了国家政策对乡村森林所有权和管理的影响,以及传统和过渡管理过程的中断。关键词里海森林--赋-历史背景-新制度-土地保有权-Hyrcanian森林-地方规模这份文件最初是在IUFRO国际小型农村森林使用和管理研讨会上发表的,该研讨会在热拉尔德梅举行,法国,2008年6月23日至27日。



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