首页> 外文期刊>Scientia geologica sinica >Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr ages and geochemistry of volcanics from the Dingyuan formation in dabie mountains, central China: evidence to the paleozonic magmatic arc

Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr ages and geochemistry of volcanics from the Dingyuan formation in dabie mountains, central China: evidence to the paleozonic magmatic arc


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The meta-basic volcanic rocks from the Dingyuan formation in Beihuaiyang zone of Dabie Mountains have typical island arc geochemical feature: e.g. negative anomalies of Nb, Ti, P in trace elemental spidediagram and high LREE, Ba, Pb abundances as well as high La/Nb, Ba/Nb, Th/Nb ratios. Their Sm- Nd and Rb-Sr whole rock isochrons give the ages of 446 ± 23 Ma and 444 ± 31 Ma respectively. Based On these geochemical feature and ages as well as their tectonic setting at convergent plate boundary, we Suggest that they were formed in a typical island are environment in the late Ordovician to early Silurian. This is the first evidence to the Paleozoic magmatic arc in the Dabie Mountains.
机译:大别山北淮阳地区定远组的准基性火山岩具有典型的岛弧地球化学特征:微量元素分布图中的Nb,Ti,P负异常和高LREE,Ba,Pb丰度以及高La / Nb,Ba / Nb,Th / Nb比。他们的Sm-Nd和Rb-Sr整个岩石等时线的年龄分别为446±23 Ma和444±31 Ma。根据这些地球化学特征和年龄,以及它们在会聚板块边界的构造背景,我们建议它们是在奥陶纪晚期至志留纪早期的典型岛屿中形成的。这是大别山古生代岩浆弧的第一个证据。



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