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Greening The Home Front


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For builder John Gonsalves, it all started with news footage of Iraq soldiers reliving their experiences. "I remember watching the intensity in their eyes," he says. "It was the first time I saw any news reported by the people there." When he heard the veterans detail their horrific injuries, Gonsalves felt compelled to help. He searched online for an organization where he could apply his trade to provide homes for returning troops. No such program existed, so in 2004 Gonsalves created the nonprofit Homes for Our Troops to build specially adapted houses for disabled soldiers at no cost to the vets. Last summer The Sierra Club Foundation donated $1 million to help the group build green. "American military families have faced incredibly challenging times over the past seven years," says Peter Martin, the foundation's executive director. "Now, with Homes for Our Troops, we are enabling veterans to return to a healthier living environment." In addition to roll-in showers, keyless doors, and easy- access cabinets, the new Energy Star-certified houses will incorporate efficient appliances, extra insulation, and solar panels or geothermal heating systems, ensuring lower power bills.
机译:对于建筑商约翰·冈萨尔维斯(John Gonsalves)来说,一切都始于伊拉克士兵依靠他们的经历的新闻镜头。他说:“我记得看过他们眼睛里的强度。” “这是我第一次看到那里的人们报道任何新闻。”当他听到退伍军人详细介绍他们的可怕伤势时,贡萨尔维斯感到不得不提供帮助。他在网上搜索了一个组织,可以在该组织中运用自己的业务为回国士兵提供住房。没有这样的计划,因此2004年,贡萨尔维斯(Gonsalves)创建了非营利性的“我们的部队之家”(Homes for Our Troops),专门为残疾人士建造了改建的房屋,而兽医却不为此付出代价。去年夏天,塞拉俱乐部基金会(Sierra Club Foundation)捐款100万美元,帮助该组织建设绿色建筑。基金会执行董事彼得·马丁说:“在过去的七年中,美国军人家庭面临着难以置信的挑战。” “现在,有了我们的部队安老院,我们使退伍军人能够返回更健康的生活环境。”除了无障碍淋浴间,无钥匙门和易于使用的橱柜之外,新获得能源之星认证的房屋还将采用高效的电器,额外的保温材料,太阳能电池板或地热供暖系统,以确保较低的电费。



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