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Reducing the Cost of Semiconductor Chip Manufacturing


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The most common relationship describing increases in semiconductor device complexity as a function of time is known as Moore's Law. Named after Gordon Moore, Chairman of the Board at Intel Corp., who recognized this trend in the early years of the semiconductor device industry, this law basically states that memory or logic chip complexity (measured as the number of individual active elements resident on a single silicon chip), doubles every device generation - in other words, about every 18 months. As shown in Fig. 1, Moore's Law has remained valid for about 25 years. Furthermore, extrapolations by know ledgeable device technologists show few signs of departure from linearity, at least for another few device generations.
机译:描述半导体器件复杂度随时间增加的最常见关系称为摩尔定律。该法律以英特尔公司董事长戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore)的名字命名,他在半导体设备行业的早期就认识到了这一趋势,该法律基本上规定了存储器或逻辑芯片的复杂性(以驻留在内存中的单个有源元件的数量来衡量)。单个硅芯片),使每一代设备(例如,每18个月)增加一倍。如图1所示,摩尔定律一直有效约25年。此外,至少在另外几代设备中,已知的可溯源设备技术人员的推断几乎没有偏离线性的迹象。



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