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Suppressing and Priming the Motivation for Motherhood


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In study 1, 148 married and unmarried childless Israeli women (mean age = 25) indicated how often they think about having a child, their desired age for having a child, and justified not being mothers, with or without being primed with photographs of babies. Priming and marital status impacted the motivation for motherhood and the justifications for not being mothers. In study 2, the same procedure was used with 137 unmarried, childless Israeli women (mean age = 24) whose gender role orientation was assessed. The impact of gender role orientation and priming on the motivation for motherhood and the justifications for not being mothers were complex, with femininity playing a much greater role than masculinity. The findings were discussed in the context of the myth of motherhood and its influence on the lives of women.
机译:在研究1中,有148名已婚和未婚的无子女以色列妇女(平均年龄= 25)表明他们考虑生育的频率,生育的期望年龄,并证明不是母亲,有或没有以婴儿照片作为礼物。初婚和婚姻状况影响了成为母亲的动机以及不担任母亲的理由。在研究2中,对137名未婚,无子女的以色列妇女(平均年龄= 24)进行了相同的评估,评估了其性别角色取向。性别角色定位和启动对孕产动机的影响以及不做母亲的理由很复杂,女性气质比男性气质的作用要大得多。在母性神话及其对妇女生活的影响的背景下讨论了这些发现。



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