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Wireless Wearables—Where's the technology headed?


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The military's investing, industry's watching, and before long it could be what you put on in the morning. About 20 years ago, computer science grad students began to stumble out of the lab and onto the streets and trade show floors—wearing their experiments. They looked like Robocop. Or the Borg. Now the rest of us are beginning to wake up to the impact wearable technology will have on human-computer interaction. Companies such as Wherify Wireless are incorporating GPS sensors into wrist-worn devices that can track a child's location anywhere in the country. Xybernaut and others are using RF-based wearable units that help airlines maintain their aircraft more swiftly and efficiently (a vital function given the woeful state of the airline industry's finances). Many companies with warehouse operations are increasingly taking advantage of voice-based wearable systems with headset microphones to improve the productivity of their pick-and-pack and inventory control employees. In this article we will offer a definition of wearable computing, discuss the near- and longer-term market opportunities for the technology, and conclude with a brief look at "smart fabrics" and the sensors that give them their smarts. They are going to change the way we live, work, and have fun.
机译:军方的投资,行业的注视,不久之后,这可能就是您早晨所穿的衣服。大约20年前,计算机科学专业的学生穿着他们的实验,开始跌跌撞撞地走出实验室,走上街头和商业展览地板。他们看起来像机器人。还是博格。现在我们其余的人开始意识到可穿戴技术将对人机交互产生影响。 Wherify Wireless等公司正在将GPS传感器整合到可戴在手腕上的设备中,该设备可以追踪孩子在该国任何地方的位置。 Xybernaut和其他公司正在使用基于RF的可穿戴设备,以帮助航空公司更迅速,更高效地维护飞机(鉴于航空业财务状况堪忧,这是一项至关重要的功能)。许多具有仓库运营能力的公司越来越多地利用带耳机麦克风的基于语音的可穿戴系统来提高其分拣和包装以及库存控制员工的生产率。在本文中,我们将提供可穿戴计算的定义,讨论该技术的近期和长期市场机会,并简要介绍“智能织物”和赋予其智能的传感器。他们将改变我们的生活,工作和娱乐方式。



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