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Line-scan imaging analysis for rapid viability evaluation of white-fertilized-egg embryos


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The process of selecting the fertilized eggs and discarding the nonfertilized or poorly fertilized ones is critical for the efficient egg production. Egg-fertility evaluation is generally done by the candling method, in which the egg is illuminated by a light source and the fertility is confirmed, based on the blood vessels; this method requires expertise and cannot be automated. In this study, a hyperspectral visibleear infrared line-scan imaging system, which utilizes a customized illumination system to determine the viability of fertilized eggs is used in the semi-transmittance mode. The line-scan hyperspectral imaging provided a novel unique patterned image of viable eggs due to the movement of viable embryo in the light illumination environment. The acquired image of each egg (88 eggs) was analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA) and image processing including a texture co-occurrence method. The generated PCA-core images exhibit significant differences between the blood vessels of the fertilized viable and nonviable eggs. The analysis result indicates that by utilizing a single-band (560 nm) image and simple image processing methods, the viability of fertilized eggs can be determined with an accuracy of approximately 99%. A single-band-image-based low-cost system is envisaged in the near-future for the automation of the viability-status evaluation of fertilized eggs.
机译:选择受精卵并丢弃未受精或受精率低的卵的过程对于有效产蛋至关重要。鸡蛋的可育性评估通常是通过烛光法进行的,其中鸡蛋是通过光源照亮的,并根据血管来确定其可育性。此方法需要专业知识,无法自动化。在这项研究中,在半透射模式下使用了高光谱可见/近红外线扫描成像系统,该系统利用定制的照明系统来确定受精卵的生存能力。线扫描高光谱成像由于在光照环境中有生命的胚胎的运动而提供了有生命的卵的新颖独特的图案化图像。使用主成分分析(PCA)和包括纹理共现方法的图像处理来分析每个鸡蛋(88个鸡蛋)的获取图像。生成的PCA核心图像在受精活卵和非活卵的血管之间显示出显着差异。分析结果表明,通过利用单波段(560 nm)图像和简单的图像处理方法,可以以大约99%的精度确定受精卵的生存力。在不久的将来,设想了一种基于单波段图像的低成本系统,用于自动化受精卵的生存状态评估。



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