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Power Conversion and Control Reduces CoO and Improves Yield


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New DC power control and conversion equipment can prevent arcing, a serious yield concern, while providing faster response times that improve uniformity. It's tough being a capital equipment manufacture these days. Your customers want you to deliver the latest processes, geared for ever-smaller geometries, in less time — and they want you to invest more in the development process. At the same time, they want the tools to have faster throughput, higher yields, greater reliability and lower operating costs, for a low total cost of ownership (CoO). They also want them with built-in expandability and capable of handling a wider range of processes. Oh yes, and they always want to pay the lowest price possible. The global market makes the business even more challenging. It's not enough to deliver the lowest CoO. Your process systems have to be able to operate in different regions around the globe, with varying voltages, reliability and quality of electrical power, as well as quality and availability of water.



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