首页> 外文期刊>Sedimentary geology >Discovery of a composite reefal terrace of middle and late Pleistocene age in Great Inagua Island, Bahamas. Implications for regional tectonics and sea-level history

Discovery of a composite reefal terrace of middle and late Pleistocene age in Great Inagua Island, Bahamas. Implications for regional tectonics and sea-level history


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We provide here new ~(234)U/~(230)Th ages measured on coral samples collected from a reefal terrace exposed on Great Inagua Island (Bahamas) that was, up to now, wholly attributed to the last interglacial period (Marine Isotope Stage 5e). Our results from the upper part of the terrace confirm the previously reported MIS 5e age, whereas ages obtained from the lower part range between 139,000 and 193,000 years BP, spanning most of MIS 6. Petrographic examination showed that secondary aragonite cement and internal sediment occur in the coral chambers of these samples, indicating they were rejuvenated and likely date from the penultimate interglaciation (MIS 7). The studied terrace is thus a composite build-up and its lower part represents the first coral reef of MIS 7 age ever described in the Bahamas archipelago. Our results further suggest (1) that Great Inagua Island recently underwent a phase of tilting, and (2) that sea level was close present datum during MIS 7.
机译:我们在这里提供了新的〜(234)U /〜(230)Th年龄,该年龄是从暴露于大伊那瓜岛(巴哈马)的礁阶上收集的珊瑚样本测量的,到目前为止,这完全归因于上一个冰期间期(海洋同位素)阶段5e)。我们从阶地上部获得的结果证实了先前报道的MIS 5e年龄,而从下部获得的年龄则介于139,000和193,000年BP之间,跨越了MIS 6的大部分时间。岩相学检查表明,次文石水泥和内部沉积物发生在这些样品的珊瑚室表明它们已经恢复活力,并且可能是倒数第二次冰川融化的结果(MIS 7)。因此,研究的阶地是一个复合构造,其下部代表了巴哈马群岛有史以来第一个MIS 7年龄的珊瑚礁。我们的结果进一步表明(1)大伊那瓜岛最近经历了一个倾斜阶段,(2)MIS 7期间海平面接近当前基准面。



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