首页> 外文期刊>Sedimentary geology >Evolution and strike variability of early post-rift deep-marine depositional systems: Lower to Mid-Cretaceous, North Viking Graben, Norwegian North Sea

Evolution and strike variability of early post-rift deep-marine depositional systems: Lower to Mid-Cretaceous, North Viking Graben, Norwegian North Sea


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The controls and development of early-post-rift, deep-water depositional systems are poorly understood due to their commonly deeply-buried nature. As a consequence, in the subsurface there is usually a lack of well penetrations and/or weak seismic imaging. At outcrop, early post-rift strata have commonly been deformed beyond reasonable recognition by later inversion tectonics. In contrast to these systems, the North Viking Graben shows a well-imaged Cretaceous early post-rift package with good well control and little effect from inversion. Therefore, this paper examines the early post-rift, deep-water depositional systems of the North Viking Graben to determine the controls on their stratigraphic position, geometry and evolution, and thus provide an analogue for comparable systems. Greater understanding of such systems will allow for the enhanced prediction of reservoir units in the subsurface and development of new play models since post-rift intervals are generally under-explored.rnThe basin configuration inherited by the Cretaceous early post-rift in the northern North Sea was set up by Permo-Triassic and Late Jurassic rifting. In the North Viking Graben this established considerable along-strike variability, resulting in a northern basin segment surrounded by steep slopes and faulted-bounded structural highs and a southern basin segment margined by slopes with noticeably gentler gradients. Associated with the Cretaceous post-rift is an overall transgressional trend, which drowned local source areas, resulting in prevalent carbonate and hemipelagic mudstone deposition in the basins. In the North Viking Graben, the uplifted Oseberg fault-block provided the sub-aerial clastic source area until it was submerged in the early Upper Cretaceous.rnThe early post-rift infill of the North Viking Graben was divided into four key seismic stratigraphic units (K1, K2, K3 and K4) using an integration of seismic and well data. Inside this stratigraphic framework, the depositional systems within each K-unit were resolved from characteristic seismic facies, amplitude anomalies, relationship with adjacent reflections, and geomorphologies. In the northern basin segment, the early post-rift stratigraphy contains basin-floor fans, a channel complex and a shoreline-like geometry, whereas the southern basin segment is solely characterised by hemipelagic and carbonate deposition. This spatial variability indicates that one of the dominant controls on the development of the early post-rift depositional systems in the North Viking Graben was the inherited syn-rift fault-controlled topography. The steep slopes bounding the northern basin segment aided the delivery of sediment from the sub-aerial Oseberg source area to the graben whereas the submerged, gentle slopes in the southern basin segment were relatively sediment-starved.rnLong- and short-term changes in relative sea-level also heavily influenced the evolution of the early post-rift basin stratigraphy. Short-term relative sea-level fall allowed basin-floor fan emplacement whereas short-term relative sea-level stand-still favoured deposition of a channel complex. Deposition of the shoreface-like geometry is associated with a short-term relative sea-level rise. This temporal difference in the style and scale of the depositional systems is also interpreted to reflect the gradual denudation and drowning of the Oseberg source area. Regional short-term trangressive and anoxic events in the northern North Sea further influenced the early post-rift strata, resulting in the deposition of stratigraphic units that can be correlated across the North Sea.
机译:纵裂后深水沉积系统的控制和发展由于其通常被深埋的性质,人们对其了解甚少。结果,在地下,通常缺乏井穿透和/或弱的地震成像。在露头,早裂后地层通常已变形,超出了后来反演构造的合理认识范围。与这些系统相比,North Viking Graben影像显示了成像良好的白垩纪早期裂谷后包裹,井控效果好,反演影响很小。因此,本文研究了北维京格拉本早期裂谷后的深水沉积系统,以确定对它们的地层位置,几何形状和演化的控制,从而为可比系统提供了类似物。对此类系统的深入了解将有助于提高对地下储层单元的预测能力,并开发新的储层模型,因为通常对裂谷后间隔的勘探尚不足。rn北海北部白垩纪早期裂谷后继承的盆地构造是由Permo-Triassic和晚侏罗世裂谷建立的。在北维京格拉本地区,沿袭形成了相当大的变化,导致北部盆地段被陡峭的斜坡和断层带界的构造高点包围,南部盆地段被坡度明显较缓和的斜坡所包围。与白垩纪后裂谷有关的是总体海侵趋势,淹没了局部源区,导致盆地中普遍存在碳酸盐岩和半流质泥岩沉积。在北维京格拉本地区,隆起的Oseberg断层块提供了空中碎屑源区,直到它被淹没在上白垩纪早期为止。北维京格拉本地区早期的裂隙后充填物分为四个主要地震地层单元( (K1,K2,K3和K4)结合使用地震和井数据。在这一地层学框架内,每个K单元内的沉积系统都是通过特征性地震相,振幅异常,与相邻反射的关系以及地貌解析的。在北部盆地段,早期裂谷后地层包含盆地底扇,通道复合体和类似海岸线的几何形状,而南部盆地段仅以半沉积和碳酸盐沉积为特征。这种空间变异性表明,北维京格拉本早期裂谷后早期沉积系统发育的主要控制因素之一是继承的裂谷断层控制的地形。北部盆地段的陡坡帮助沉积物从Oseberg空中源区到被抓地输送,而南部盆地段的淹没平缓坡度则相对缺乏沉积物。海平面也严重影响了裂谷后盆地早期地层的演化。短期相对海平面下降允许盆底扇进位,而短期相对海平面静止则有利于河床复合体的沉积。类似于岸面的几何形状的沉积与短期相对海平面上升有关。沉积系统的样式和规模在时间上的差异也被解释为反映了Oseberg源区的逐渐剥蚀和淹没。北海北部的区域性短期海侵和缺氧事件进一步影响了裂谷后的早期地层,导致可在北海范围内相关的地层单元沉积。



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