首页> 外文期刊>Sedimentary geology >The Early Cambrian Bradore Formation Of Southeastern Labrador And Adjacent Parts Of Quebec: Architecture And Genesis Of Clastic Strata On An Early Paleozoic Wave-swept Shallow Marine Shelf

The Early Cambrian Bradore Formation Of Southeastern Labrador And Adjacent Parts Of Quebec: Architecture And Genesis Of Clastic Strata On An Early Paleozoic Wave-swept Shallow Marine Shelf


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Strata of the Bradore Formation have been interpreted in terms of a marine transgression developed at the onset of spreading of Iapetus Ocean, with a basal member of fluvial origin, a middle member of lagoonal origin and an upper member of tidal-channel origin. In Labrador the formation rests directly on a low relief surface, developed on metamorphic rocks of the Grenville Orogen, with no well developed paleosoils. Re-examination of the architecture of pebbly sandstones in the basal (Blanc-Sablon) member indicate that these formed on an open, storm-influenced wave-swept shelf as part of a low relief sand sheet, with evidence of multiple accretionary events. Structure in sandstones in the middle (Crow Head) member is largely obscured by a high density of Skolithos linearis domichnia. Abundance of hummocky cross stratification indicates deepening, with a transition to an open, storm-influenced, shallow shelf. Large-scale cross stratification in the glauconite-bearing upper (L'Anse-au-Clair) member reflects shoaling, with a return to deposition of medium-scale marine sandwave complexes, with no clear evidence of any tidal signature. Strata of the Bradore Formation were at least partly lithified prior to deposition of reefal and platformal carbonates in the overlying Forteau Formation. Paleocurrent indicators in the upper and lower members suggests that during the initial drift phase of Iapetus this segment (St Lawrence Promontory) of the Laurentian margin was swept by both geostrophic and storm-influenced currents, largely oriented parallel to the paleocoastline.
机译:布拉多雷组的地层是根据伊阿佩图斯海洋扩散开始时发生的海侵解释的,该海侵具有河流成因的基础成员,泻湖起源的中间成员和潮汐河道起源的上部。在拉布拉多,地层直接搁置在低起伏地表上,该地物在格林维尔造山带的变质岩上发育,没有发育良好的古土壤。对基础(Blanc-Sablon)成员中的卵石砂岩结构的重新检查表明,这些砂岩形成在低风暴浮沙上的开放的,受风暴影响的波扫架上,并有多次增生事件的证据。高密度的Skolithos linearis domichnia掩盖了中部(乌鸦头)中砂岩的结构。大量的山丘交叉分层表明其正在加深,并过渡到一个开放的,受风暴影响的浅层架子。含青石岩的上层(L'Anse-au-Clair)成员中的大规模交叉分层反映出浅滩化,恢复了中等规模的海沙波复合体的沉积,没有明显的潮汐特征。 Bradore地层至少部分被石化,然后在上覆的Forteau地层沉积礁石和平台碳酸盐。上部和下部成员的古流指示表明,在伊阿佩图斯的初始漂移阶段,Laurentian边缘的这一段(圣劳伦斯岬)被地转流和受风暴影响的流所扫除,这些流在很大程度上平行于古海岸线。



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