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The Ebook Reader Is Not the Future of Ebooks


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The future of ebooks and reading is far more complex than any single ebook reader or internet site could ever satisfy. Following the examples of cell phones and other successful innovations, maybe we need to begin by looking at the "book" as the complicated technology that it truly is and in all the forms that it has presented itself - from children's classics (like Pat the Bunny) to art books to popup books to atlases to cookbooks to religious classics and more. Another important issue involves reading tastes and practices. Perhaps it's time, also, to uncouple reading from books and focus on the needs, interests, and tastes of particular types of users. At this year's BookExpo America, an annual trade show for the industry, Amazon's Jeff Bezos announced that the Kindle's ebook sales now account for 6% of Amazon's unit sales for books that are available in both paper and electronic formats. Kindle users, he noted, are not replacing print books with electronic, but buying "just as many physical books and two and a half times as many books overall, or three electronic books for every two physical copies" (12). The fact that initial audiences for Kindle are heavy readers should come as no surprise; however, the low sales figures for Kindle, when backed by the legendary online bookseller, Amazon, may show the future for ebook readers more clearly. Harlequin Enterprises Ltd. is innovatively showing that cell phones can be productively (and profitably) used to distribute their romance and mystery titles. Harlequin readers can download titles to be read by chapters on their cell phones, play games, take quizzes (such as a pre-mar-riage quiz), share comments, and get advice - all from the same web page. This movement into social networking has proven very financially successful for the company. Given the historic experiences of book clubs and other methods devised to share books, reading and ideas, social networking may provide a better model to explore in future product ebook development. Does even Jeff Bezos forecast an imminent end of the printed page? "Anything that lasts 500 years is not easily improved upon. Books are so good you can't out-book the book" (13). Perhaps the industry would be wise to start at this design point in developing the next-generation ebook reader.
机译:电子书和阅读的未来远比任何一个电子书阅读器或互联网站点所能满足的复杂得多。以手机和其他成功的创新为例,也许我们需要首先将“书”视为一种真正的复杂技术,并以其本身呈现的所有形式呈现出来-摘自儿童经典(例如Pat the Bunny) ),艺术书,弹出书,地图集,菜谱,宗教经典等等。另一个重要问题涉及阅读品味和习惯。也许现在也该是从书本上脱开阅读,专注于特定类型用户的需求,兴趣和品味的时候了。在今年的行业年度贸易展览会BookExpo America上,亚马逊的杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)宣布,Kindle的电子书销量现在占亚马逊纸质和电子格式书籍销量的6%。他指出,Kindle用户并没有用电子书代替印刷书,而是“购买了尽可能多的实体书,是整体书的两倍半,或者每两本实体书就购买了三本电子书”(12)。 Kindle的最初受众是大量读者,这一事实不足为奇。但是,在传奇的在线书店亚马逊的支持下,Kindle的低销量数字可能会更清楚地显示电子书阅读器的未来。丑角企业有限公司(Harlequin Enterprises Ltd.)创新地表明,手机可以有效地(且有利可图)用于分发其浪漫和神秘头衔。丑角的读者可以从手机上的章节中下载要阅读的标题,玩游戏,进行测验(例如婚前测验),分享评论并获得建议-所有这些都来自同一网页。事实证明,这种进入社交网络的运动在公司财务上非常成功。考虑到读书俱乐部的历史经验以及旨在共享书籍,阅读和思想的其他方法,社交网络可能会提供一个更好的模型来探索未来的产品电子书开发。甚至杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)都预测印刷页面即将结束吗? “任何持续500年的事情都不容易得到改善。书籍是如此之好,以至于您都无法预订这本书”(13)。在开发下一代电子书阅读器时,从这个设计点开始,业界可能会很明智。



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