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Profile: Patricia D. Moehlman - Into the Wilds of Africa

机译:个人资料:Patricia D. Moehlman-走进非洲荒野

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Even on the soft, cream-colored carpet of her sparsely decorated house in Connecticut, Patricia D. Moehlman camps out. She takes off her running shoes, sits cross-legged on the floor and hunches over the small, white board on which she is projecting slides in the bright light of a fall afternoon. As she wends her way pictorially through decades of research on the social lives of jackals, work on the plight of wild asses in the war-torn Horn of Africa and her educational projects in Tanzania, Moehlman's joy about being out in the field is palpable. She seems to delight in every face—canine, equid or human—and in every landscape she has photographed.
机译:即使在康涅狄格州稀疏装饰的房屋的柔软,米色地毯上,帕特里夏·D·莫尔曼(Patricia D. Moehlman)也会露营。她脱下跑鞋,盘腿坐在地板上,弯腰仰望那片小的白板,在秋天的午后明媚的阳光下,她在上面投射幻灯片。通过数十年来对jack狼的社会生活的研究,在饱受战争摧残的非洲之角的野驴困境以及她在坦桑尼亚的教育项目中,她以绘画的方式生动地描绘着自己的方式,穆尔曼(Moehlman)对在野外工作的喜悦显而易见。她似乎对每张面孔(犬,马,人或动物)以及她拍摄的每张风景都很满意。



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