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Bioaccessibility of trace elements in soils in Northern Ireland


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Assessment of elevated concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTE) in soils and the association with specific soil parent material have been the focus of research for a number of years. Risk-based assessment of potential exposure scenarios to identified elevated PTE concentrations has led to the derivation of site- and contaminant-specific soil guideline values (SGVs), which represent generic assessment criteria (GACs) to identify exceeded levels that may reflect an unacceptable risk to human health. A better understanding of the 'bio-available' or 'bioaccessible' contaminant concentrations offers an opportunity to better refine contaminant exposure assessments. Utilizing a comprehensive soil geochemical dataset for Northern Ireland provided by the Tellus Survey (GSNI) in conjunction with supplementary bioaccessibility testing of selected soil samples following the Unified BARGE Method, this paper uses exploratory data analysis and geostatistical analysis to investigate the spatial variability of pseudo-total and bioaccessible concentrations of As, Cd, Co, Cr. Cu, Ni, Pb, U, V and Zn. The paper investigates variations in individual element concentrations as well as cross-element correlations and observed lithological/pedological associations. The analysis of PTE concentrations highlighted exceeded levels of GAC values for V and Cr and exceeded SGV/GAC values for Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn. UBM testing showed that for some soil parent materials associated with elevated PTE concentrations e.g. the Antrim Lava Group with high Ni concentrations, the measured oral bioaccessible fraction was relatively low. For other soil parent materials with relatively moderate PTE concentrations, measured oral bioaccessible fraction was relatively high (e.g. the Gala Sandstone Group of the Southern Uplands-Down Longford Terrain). These findings have implications for regional human health risk assessments for specific PTEs.
机译:多年来,评估土壤中潜在毒性元素(PTE)浓度升高以及与特定土壤母体物质的关系一直是研究的重点。对确定的PTE浓度升高的潜在暴露情景进行基于风险的评估,得出了针对特定地点和特定污染物的土壤准则值(SGV),这些准则值代表了通用评估标准(GAC),用于识别可能反映不可接受风险的超标水平对人类健康。对“生物可利用的”或“生物可利用的”污染物浓度的更好理解为更好地完善污染物暴露评估提供了机会。利用Tellus Survey(GSNI)提供的北爱尔兰全面的土壤地球化学数据集,以及按照Unified BARGE方法对选定土壤样本进行的补充生物可及性测试,本文利用探索性数据分析和地统计分析方法研究了伪爱尔兰的空间变异性。砷,镉,钴,铬的总和生物可利用浓度铜,镍,铅,铀,钒和锌本文研究了单个元素浓度以及跨元素相关性和观察到的岩性/岩性学联系的变化。对PTE浓度的分析突出显示了V和Cr的GAC值超过水平,Cd,Cu,Ni,Pb和Zn的SGV / GAC值超过。 UBM测试表明,对于某些土壤母体材料,PTE浓度升高,例如镍含量高的Antrim Lava组,测得的口服生物可及分数相对较低。对于其他具有相对中等PTE浓度的土壤母体材料,经测量的口服生物可及分数相对较高(例如,南部高地-朗福德地形的Gala砂岩群)。这些发现对特定PTE的区域人类健康风险评估具有影响。



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