首页> 外文期刊>Science of the total environment >Reply to Tillitt et al. 2012: Thiamine deficiency: A viable hypothesis for paralytic syndrome in Baltic birds

Reply to Tillitt et al. 2012: Thiamine deficiency: A viable hypothesis for paralytic syndrome in Baltic birds

机译:回复Tillitt等。 2012年:硫胺素缺乏症:波罗的海鸟类麻痹综合症的可行假设

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We thank Tillitt et al. (this issue) for their interest in our review of paralysis in wild birds (Sonne et al., 2012), a subject that has attracted much attention and debate amongst the scientific community (Balk et al., 2010; Rocke and Barker, 2010). It was not our intention to reject the hypothesis that thiamine deficiency is linked to the paralytic syndrome observed in European bird species. Our aim was to assess the evidence provided by Balk et al. (2009) to establish a link between overall population declines and the incidence of paralysis in the bird species investigated by the authors. Particularly, we wanted to underline that other factors might also be important for the population dynamics in these species. We see parallels between the Baltic situation and the example provided by Tillitt et al. (this issue), not least in the skepticism shown by the scientific community. However, as advisors to the authorities it is important for us to ensure that we deliver evidence-based management recommendations and on the basis of our literature review, we still consider that the links between thiamine deficiency and impacts at the population level links are not well established by Balk et al. (2009).
机译:我们感谢Tillitt等。 (本期),因为他们对我们对野生鸟类麻痹的评论(Sonne等,2012)感兴趣,这一主题已引起科学界的广泛关注和争论(Balk等,2010; Rocke and Barker,2010) )。我们的意图不是拒绝硫胺素缺乏与欧洲鸟类物种中观察到的麻痹综合症有关的假说。我们的目的是评估Balk等提供的证据。 (2009)建立了总体种群下降和鸟类调查麻痹发生率之间的联系。特别是,我们想强调其他因素对于这些物种的种群动态也可能很重要。我们看到波罗的海局势与Tillitt等人提供的例子之间存在相似之处。 (这个问题),尤其是在科学界对此表示怀疑的时候。但是,作为当局的顾问,重要的是,我们必须确保提供基于证据的管理建议,并且在我们的文献综述的基础上,我们仍然认为硫胺素缺乏症与人口影响之间的联系并不紧密。由Balk等建立。 (2009)。



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