首页> 外文期刊>Science of the total environment >Decreasing soil water Ca~(2+) reduces DOC adsorption in mineral soils: Implications for long-term DOC trends in an upland forested catchment in southern Ontario, Canada

Decreasing soil water Ca~(2+) reduces DOC adsorption in mineral soils: Implications for long-term DOC trends in an upland forested catchment in southern Ontario, Canada


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Positive trends in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration have been observed in surface waters throughout North America and northern Europe. Although adsorption in mineral soils is an important driver of DOC in upland streams, little is known about the potential for changes in DOC adsorption to contribute to these trends. We hypothesized that long-term declines in soil water Ca~(2+) levels, in response to declining acid deposition, might influence DOC adsorption and that this could contribute to long-term DOC trends in an upland forested catchment in south-central Ontario, Canada. Between 1987 and 2009, DOC concentrations increased significantly (p<0.05) in stream water and B horizon soil water (2 out of 3 sites). The null point DOC concentration (D0C_(np)), which is a measure of the soil water DOC concentration at equilibrium with the soil, ranged from 1.27 to 3.75 mg L~(-1) in B horizon soils. This was similar to the mean DOC concentrations of B horizon soil water (2.04-6.30 mg L~') and stream water (2.20 mg L~'), indicating that soil and stream water DOC concentrations are controlled by equilibrium processes at the soil-water interface. Adsorption experiments using variable Ca~(2+) concentrations demonstrated that as Ca~(2+) decreased the DOC_(np) increased (1.96 to 4.74 mg L~(-1)), which was consistent with the observed negative correlation between DOC and Ca~(2+) in B horizon soil water (p<0.05; r~2 = 0.21). Additional adsorption experiments showed that Na~+ had no effect on DOC adsorption (p>0.05), indicating that changes in DOC adsorption might be related to cation bridging. We conclude that declines in soil water Ca~(2+) concentration can contribute to increasing DOC trends in upland streams by reducing DOC adsorption in mineral soils.
机译:在整个北美和北欧的地表水中都发现了溶解有机碳(DOC)浓度的积极趋势。尽管矿物土壤中的吸附是山地溪流中DOC的重要驱动因素,但人们对DOC吸附变化的潜在潜力知之甚少。我们假设土壤水Ca〜(2+)水平的长期下降,是由于酸沉降的下降,可能会影响DOC的吸收,这可能有助于安大略中南部山地森林集水区的长期DOC趋势。 ,加拿大。在1987年至2009年之间,溪流水和B层土壤水中的DOC浓度显着增加(p <0.05)(3个地点中的2个)。 B点土壤中零点DOC浓度(D0C_(np))是与土壤平衡时土壤水DOC浓度的量度,范围为1.27至3.75 mg L〜(-1)。这与B层土壤水(2.04-6.30 mg L〜')和溪流水(2.20 mg L〜')的平均DOC浓度相似,表明土壤和溪流DOC的浓度受土壤-土壤中DOC平衡过程的控制。水接口。使用可变的Ca〜(2+)浓度进行的吸附实验表明,随着Ca〜(2+)的降低,DOC_(np)升高(1.96至4.74 mg L〜(-1)),这与观察到的DOC之间的负相关性是一致的B水平土壤水中的Ca〜(2+)(p <0.05; r〜2 = 0.21)。额外的吸附实验表明,Na〜+对DOC的吸附没有影响(p> 0.05),表明DOC吸附的变化可能与阳离子桥联有关。我们得出的结论是,土壤水Ca〜(2+)浓度的下降可通过减少矿质土壤中的DOC吸附来促进山地溪流中DOC的增加趋势。



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