首页> 外文期刊>Science of the total environment >The impact of ornithogenic inputs on phosphorous transport from altered wetland soils to waterways in East Mediterranean ecosystem

The impact of ornithogenic inputs on phosphorous transport from altered wetland soils to waterways in East Mediterranean ecosystem


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Large flocks of Eurasian crane {Grus grus, >35,000) have begun wintering in an altered wetland agro-ecosystem located in Northern Israel, a phenomenon that attracts more than 400,000 eco-tourists a year. A 100-ha plot has been used to feed the cranes in order to protect nearby fields. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of this bird's feeding practice on the P status of the altered wetland soils and waterways. We installed a series of wells at two depths (40 and 90 cm) between two major waterways in the feeding area and monitored the hydraulic heads and collected groundwater samples for elemental analyses. We collected six soil cores and four sediment samples from the waterways and conducted sequential P extraction. We found significant increase in groundwater soluble reactive P (SRP) (>0.5 mg l~(-1)) compared with much lower concentrations (-0.06 mg l~(-1)) collected in the period prior to the feeding. We found significant decrease in Fe(II), Ca, and SO_4 concentrations in the shallow groundwater (33,208, and 213 mg l~(-1) respectively) compared with the period prior to the feeding (47,460, and 370 mg l~(-1) respectively). An increase in the more labile P fraction was observed in soils and sediments compared with the period before the feeding. The P input by bird excrement to the feeding area was estimated around 700 kg P per season, while P removal by plant harvesting was estimated around 640 kg P yr~(-1). This finding supports the current eco-tourism practices in the middle of intensive farming area, suggesting little impact on waterways.
机译:在以色列北部,湿地农业生态系统发生了变化,大批的欧亚鹤(Grus grus,> 35,000)已经开始越冬,这种现象每年吸引超过40万名生态旅游者。为了保护附近的田地,一个100公顷的土地被用来给起重机喂食。这项研究的目的是评估这种鸟类的饲养方式对改变后的湿地土壤和水道中磷状况的影响。我们在进水区的两条主要水道之间的两个深度(40和90厘米)处安装了一系列井,并监测了水压头并收集了地下水样品以进行元素分析。我们从水道收集了六个土壤核心和四个沉积物样品,并进行了连续的P提取。我们发现,与喂食前一段时间内收集到的低得多的浓度(-0.06 mg l〜(-1))相比,地下水可溶性反应性P(SRP)(> 0.5 mg l〜(-1))显着增加。我们发现,浅水区地下水中的Fe(II),Ca和SO_4浓度(分别为33,208和213 mg l〜(-1))比投喂前的时期(47,460和370 mg l〜(-1)显着降低。 -1))。与进食前相比,土壤和沉积物中的磷含量更加不稳定。鸟类粪便向饲喂区输入的磷估计约为每季700 kg P,而植物收获后去除的磷估计约为640 kg P yr〜(-1)。这一发现支持了目前在集约化农业中部的生态旅游实践,对水道影响不大。



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