首页> 外文期刊>The Science of the Total Environment >Evaluation of the sinks and sources of atmospheric CO_2 by artificial upwelling

Evaluation of the sinks and sources of atmospheric CO_2 by artificial upwelling


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Artificial upwelling is considered a promising way to reduce the accumulation of anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This practice could transport nutrient-rich deep water to the euphotic zone, enhance phyto-plankton growth and consequently increase organic carbon exportation to the deep ocean via the biological pump. However, only a few studies quantitatively assess changes in oceanic CO_2 uptake resulting from artificial upwelling. This article uses a simulation to examine the effect of hypothetical artificial upwelling-induced variations of CO_2 fugacity in seawater (fCO_2) using observed carbon and nutrient data from 14 stations, ranging from 21 to 43°N, in the West Philippine Sea (WPS), the East China Sea (ECS) and the Sea of Japan. Calculations are based on two basic assumptions: First, a near-field mixing of a nutrient-rich deep-ocean water plume in a stratified ocean environment is assumed to form given the presence of an artificial upwelling devise with appropriate technical parameters. Second, it is assumed that photosynthesis of marine phytoplankton could deplete all available nutrients following the stoichiometry of the modified Redfield ratio C/H/O/N/S/P = 103.1/181.7/93.4/11.7/ 2.1/1. Results suggest artificial upwelling has significant effects on regional changes in sea-air differences (△fCO_(2sea-air)) and the carbon sequestration potential (△fCO_(2mixed-amb)). Large variations of △fCO_(2sea-air) and △fCO_(2mixed-amb) are shown to be associated with different regions, seasons and technical parameters of the artificial upwelling device. With proper design, it is possible to reverse the contribution of artificial upwelling from a strong CO_2 source to sink. Thus, artificial upwelling has the potential to succeed as a geoengineering technique to sequester anthropogenic CO_2, with appropriate technical parameters in the right region and season.
机译:人工上升流被认为是减少大气中人为二氧化碳积累的有前途的方法。这种做法可以将营养丰富的深水运送到富营养区,促进浮游植物的生长,从而通过生物泵增加向深海的有机碳出口。但是,只有少数研究定量评估了人工上升流导致的海洋CO_2吸收变化。本文使用模拟方法,利用从西菲律宾海(WPS)的14个站点(范围为21至43°N)观察到的碳和养分数据,研究了假设的人工上升流诱发的海水中CO_2逸度变化(fCO_2)的影响,东海(ECS)和日本海。计算基于两个基本假设:首先,假定存在具有适当技术参数的人工上涌装置,则假定在分层海洋环境中形成了营养丰富的深海羽流的近场混合。其次,假设海洋浮游植物的光合作用可以按照修正的Redfield比值C / H / O / N / S / P = 103.1 / 181.7 / 93.4 / 11.7 / 2.1 / 1的化学计量消耗所有可用养分。结果表明,人工上升流对海气差异(△fCO_(2sea-air))和碳固存潜力(△fCO_(2mixed-amb))的区域变化具有显着影响。 △fCO_(2sea-air)和△fCO_(2mixed-amb)的较大变化表明与人工上升流装置的不同区域,季节和技术参数有关。通过适当的设计,可以将人工上升流的作用从强大的CO_2源逆转为下沉。因此,人工上升流有可能作为一种地球工程技术成功隔离人为的CO_2,并在适当的地区和季节采用适当的技术参数。



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