首页> 外文期刊>The Science of the Total Environment >Time in pasture rotation alters soil microbial community composition and function and increases carbon sequestration potential in a temperate agroecosystem

Time in pasture rotation alters soil microbial community composition and function and increases carbon sequestration potential in a temperate agroecosystem


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Soil carbon (C) sequestration plays an important role in mitigating global climate change, and certain land utilization strategies can exert a pronounced effect on carbon storage. Land use practices, such as planting previously cropped lands into perennial grasslands, can increase soil C sequestration; however, the temporal response of soil C pools to such changes in land use are likely complex and not well quantified. In the current study, a space-fortime approach was used to assess the response of soil C sequestration and microbial community composition during a five-year grazed pasture rotation following three years of vegetable production on a central Kentucky farm. After 5 years in pasture, soil organic C and N in the top 15 cm increased 20.6% and 20.1%, respectively, from year 1 levels, and particulate organic matter C (POM C) increased 53.5%. A carbon mineralization (CM) assay indicated that the potential release of CO2 also increased with time in pasture rotation. When compared to permanent pasture (not previously used for vegetable production), soil microbial community composition differed in rotation years 1-3 but became similar in years 4 and 5. Multi-response permutation procedure (MRPP) analysis showed that CM and POM were key factors affecting microbial community composition. Soil microbial community composition also varied with time of year (season), but to a lesser degree than with pasture duration. Overall, incorporation of perennial pasture into cropping systems can have profound effects on microbial community composition and function, increasing soil organic C, and consequently enhancing the potential for C sequestration; however, whether these increases in C storage persist throughout the full cropping sequence (i.e., once the pasture has been returned to vegetables) and/or how these changes influence subsequent vegeta- ble production remains to be evaluated. Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:固碳(C)固存在缓解全球气候变化中起着重要作用,某些土地利用策略可以对碳储量产生显着影响。土地使用做法,例如将以前种植的土地种植到多年生草原上,会增加土壤碳的固存;然而,土壤碳库对土地利用方面的这种变化的时间响应可能很复杂,无法很好地量化。在当前的研究中,在肯塔基州中部一个农场进行了三年的蔬菜生产后,在五年的牧草轮作中,采用了一种时空方法来评估土壤碳固存和微生物群落组成的响应。放牧5年后,顶部15 cm的土壤有机碳和氮比第一年的水平分别增加20.6%和20.1%,而颗粒有机物C(POM C)增加了53.5%。碳矿化(CM)分析表明,牧场旋转中CO2的潜在释放量也随时间增加。与永久性牧场(以前不用于蔬菜生产)相比,土壤微生物群落组成在第1-3年有所不同,但在第4和第5年变得相似。多响应置换程序(MRPP)分析表明CM和POM是关键影响微生物群落组成的因素。土壤微生物群落组成也随季节(季节)的变化而变化,但程度小于牧草持续时间。总体而言,将多年生牧草纳入作物种植系统可对微生物群落组成和功能产生深远影响,增加土壤有机碳,从而提高固碳潜力;然而,这些碳储量的增加是否在整个种植过程中仍然存在(即,一旦牧场放回蔬菜中)和/或这些变化如何影响随后的蔬菜生产尚待评估。由Elsevier B.V.发布



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