首页> 外文期刊>Science in China. Series D, Earth sciences >Phosphorus forms and bioavailability of lake sediments in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River

Phosphorus forms and bioavailability of lake sediments in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River


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Forms of phosphorus in sediments from 25 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River were analyzed by the sequential extraction procedure. Contents and spatial distrubution of algal available phosphorus (AAP) in sediments of Lake Taihu, the third largest freshwater lake of China, were also studied. Relationships between phosphorus forms in sediment and macrophytes coverage in sample sites, as well as phosphorus forms in sediments and chlorophyal contents in lake water were discussed. Exchangeable form of phosphorus (Ex-P) in surface sediments was significantly positive correlative to total phosphorus (TP), dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) contents in the lake water. Bioavailable phosphorus (Bio-P) contents in sediments from macrophytes dominant sites were significantly lower than that in no macrophyte sites. In Lake Taihu, Ex-P content in top 3 cm sediment was highest. However, content of ferric fraction phosphorus (Fe-P) was highest in 4 — 10 cm. Bioavalilble phosphorus (Bio-P) contents in surface sediments positively correlated to Chlorophyll a contents in water of Lake Taihu with significant difference. Therefore, contents of Bio-P and AAP could be acted as the indicators of risks of internal release of phosphorus in the shallow lakes. It was estimated that there were 268.6 ton AAP in top 1 cm sediments in Lake Taihu. Sediment suspension caused by strong wind-induced wave disturbance could carry plenty of AAP into water in large shallow lakes like Lake Taihu.
机译:采用序贯萃取法分析了长江中下游25个湖泊沉积物中磷的形态。还研究了中国第三大淡水湖太湖沉积物中藻类有效磷的含量和空间分布。讨论了沉积物中磷的形态与采样点大型植物的覆盖率之间的关系,以及沉积物中磷的形态与湖水中的叶绿素含量之间的关系。表层沉积物中磷的交换形式(Ex-P)与湖水中的总磷(TP),溶解的总磷(DTP)和可溶性反应性磷(SRP)含量呈显着正相关。来自大型植物优势位点的沉积物中的生物有效性磷(Bio-P)含量显着低于没有大型植物位点的沉积物。在太湖,最高3 cm沉积物中的Ex-P含量最高。但是,铁含量磷(Fe-P)的含量在4-10 cm处最高。太湖水体表层沉积物中生物有效磷(Bio-P)含量与叶绿素a含量成正相关,差异有统计学意义。因此,Bio-P和AAP的含量可以作为浅湖中磷内部释放风险的指标。据估计,太湖顶1厘米沉积物中的AAP含量为268.6吨。强风引起的波扰动引起的泥沙悬浮可能使大量的AAP进入太湖之类的浅水湖泊中。



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