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From Hunting Fish to Managing Populations: Fisheries Science and the Destruction of Newfoundland Cod Fisheries


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When the first European explorers wrote about the Grand Banks off the island of Newfoundland on Canada's east coast they reported codfish so numerous they choked the passage of vessels. In 1992, fishing trawlers could find no cod on the Grand Banks and officials declared a commercial moratorium on what was once the world's largest scientifically managed ground fishery. Since the moratorium wild cod, fishermen and fishing as a way of life have failed to recover and cod aquaculture has been promoted as a replacement industry. Scientific fisheries management, however, has maintained its legitimacy and continues to dominate national and international policy responses even as wild fish species rapidly decline around the world. In the cod fishery, the result of scientific fisheries management was the destruction of the very object it was designed to protect. The history of scientific fisheries management reveals how this deadly paradox was produced. At the turn of the last century, after 50 years of financial support and encouragement from merchants, governments and fishery investors, German biologist Friedrich Heincke produced a statistical technique allowing the identification of single species fish populations. By the 1930s the scientific world had adopted Heincke's demographic approach as the central paradigm of fisheries research. The demographic paradigm empowered fisheries scientists but marginalized fishermen. It also marginalized empirical knowledge about fish biology, life history traits, and behaviour in favour of aggregated statistical data on idealized single species populations. The idealized mathematical abstractions that form the foundation of scientific fisheries management have proven themselves deadly for fish and fishing people. To solve this tragic history, empirical observations of real fish by fishing people and scientists must again serve as the foundation for how fisheries are studied and organized.
机译:当第一批欧洲探险家写到加拿大东海岸纽芬兰岛附近的格兰德河岸时,他们报道了鳕鱼,以至于它们阻塞了船只的通行。 1992年,捕鱼拖网渔船在大银行找不到鳕鱼,而官员宣布暂停商业交易,以禁止曾经是世界上最大的科学管理的地面渔业。自从暂停野生鳕鱼以来,渔民和捕鱼作为一种生活方式一直未能恢复,鳕鱼水产养殖已被推广为替代产业。然而,即使野生鱼类在世界范围内迅速减少,科学渔业管理仍保持其合法性,并继续主导国家和国际政策对策。在鳕鱼渔业中,科学渔业管理的结果是破坏了它旨在保护的对象。科学渔业管理的历史揭示了这种致命的悖论是如何产生的。在上个世纪之交,经过商人,政府和渔业投资者50年的财政支持和鼓励,德国生物学家弗里德里希·海因克(Friedrich Heincke)提出了一种统计技术,可以识别单一物种的鱼类种群。到1930年代,科学界已经采用了亨克的人口统计学方法作为渔业研究的中心范例。人口范式赋予了渔业科学家以权力,但是却使边缘化的渔民处于劣势。它还偏fish了关于鱼类生物学,生活史特征和行为的经验知识,而偏向于理想化单一物种种群的汇总统计数据。构成科学渔业管理基础的理想化数学抽象已证明对鱼类和渔民是致命的。为了解决这一悲惨的历史,钓鱼者和科学家对真实鱼类的经验观察必须再次成为研究和组织渔业的基础。



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